
A garbage truck on a tree-lined street.

San Jose's New Surveillance Proposal is Garbage

Aug 21, 2015
What if once a week the police drove by your home and took a picture?That is what the San Jose City Council proposed last week with an effort to install automatic license plate readers (ALPRs) on garbage trucks.ALPRs are high-speed cameras that sit atop patrol cars or on roadsides and are capable of snapping photos of thousands of license plate numbers per hour, including their location. This tech... Read More
Racial profiling has no place in California.

New Poll: Majority of California Voters Support Bill to Curb Racial Profiling

Aug 12, 2015
According to a new poll conducted by Tulchin Research, 69% of likely California voters support AB 953: The Racial and Identity Profiling Act of 2015, a state bill introduced by Assemblymember Shirley Weber (D-San Diego) to combat racial and identity profiling by law enforcement. The poll results come as the bill heads to the California Senate Appropriations Committee. Read More