
Computer burglar by elhombredenegro

Feds Refuse to Release Documents on 'Zero-Day' Security Exploits

Mar 03, 2015
Federal agencies served with a Freedom of Information Act request are refusing to release documents related to their purchase, use and disclosure of zero-day exploits, keeping the American public in the dark about a practice that leaves the Internet and its users less secure.Zero-day exploits are special software programs that take advantage of security vulnerabilities in software that are un... Read More
laptop, smart phone, and tablet

The Whole World Needs a Privacy Watchdog

Mar 02, 2015
The ACLU and a global coalition of over 60 non-governmental organizations wrote to encourage governments to support the creation of a new Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy at the Human Rights Council 28th ordinary session in March. Read More
Edie Windsor via

From Edie to Jim - Same-Sex Love at the Supreme Court

Feb 27, 2015
“You did it, honey.”That is what Edie Windsor imagined her late spouse, Thea Spyer, would have said after their love story brought down the core of the federal Defense of Marriage Act in United States v. Windsor. Edie and Thea did do it. They brought down DOMA and – along with hundreds of thousands of other same-sex couples and their families– they transformed our nation’s understanding of sa... Read More
Edward Snowden via

Snowden: 'Perfect Surveillance' Could Have Snuffed Out the LGBT Movement

Feb 27, 2015
Edward Snowden is right.Snowden recently pointed out how the victories of the LGBT movement in this country might never have happened if the government had the ability to conduct “perfect surveillance.” For decades, LGBT people had to fight official government persecution, including aggressive surveillance and targeting by law enforcement.Some of the earliest organized advocacy efforts o... Read More
Net Neutrality

After a Decade's Fight for Net Neutrality, Major Win for Internet Free Speech

Feb 26, 2015
The people have spoken. And, today, the Federal Communications Commission listened. A majority of FCC commissioners voted in favor of historically strong open Internet rules.It appears they have done what the ACLU and other free speech groups have been suggesting for years: put net neutrality rules on firm legal footing to prevent large internet companies from using their market pow... Read More
Stingrays: The most common surveillance tool the government won't tell you about

Santa Clara Board Votes to Proceed with Controversial Surveillance Tech

Feb 25, 2015
Despite criticism from the ACLU and Supervisor Joe Simitian, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a sheriff’s department request to use more than $500,000 of federal grant money to purchase a Stingray cell phone tracking system.Simitian perhaps put it best when he told Sheriff Lori Smith during Tuesday’s meeting of the supervisors that, “Just to be clear, we're being ask... Read More