
Alameda County Sheriff's Department drone photo by Cyrus Farivar

Protecting Privacy is a Reasonable Expectation

Dec 04, 2014
Given that the government hasn't proven its commitment to respecting and protecting our privacy – Snowden, anyone? – it is more than reasonable for the public to expect police to be fully transparent when it wants to use drones. Read More
police body cameras

The System Caught on Tape: Why We Need Body Cameras Now More Than Ever

Dec 03, 2014
Today’s decision by a Staten Island grand jury not to indict NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo for having killed Eric Garner using a chokehold during an arrest for selling untaxed cigarettes has sparked enormous outcry and frustration. Garner’s killing was captured on video and has been viewed by millions. Does that mean that video doesn’t matter? That getting police to wear body cameras won’t help hol... Read More
Elizabeth Haskell

Haskell v. Harris (Mandatory DNA Collection)

Dec 03, 2014
The ACLU Foundation of Northern California filed a lawsuit in federal court on Oct. 7, 2009 seeking to stop California's policy of mandating that DNA is collected from anyone arrested for a felony, whether or not they are ever charged or convicted. The policy is a result of Proposition 69, which was enacted by voters in 2004 and went into effect on Jan. 1, 2009. Under this new law, people who a... Read More
Chris Rock photo by Brian McGuirk via Wikicommons

Chris Rock Explains Why Privacy Matters

Dec 02, 2014
In a recent interview, Chris Rock discusses the effect of ubiquitous cell phones on the creative process for stand-up comics. Although standup comedy is in some ways unique, the effects that he describes are still a perfect illustration of why protecting privacy is important. Read More
cell phone tower at sunset

Is the Tide Beginning to Turn on StingRays?

Nov 25, 2014
In a welcome turn of events, courts are beginning to push back on the secretive use of StingRay devices, an intrusive cell phone surveillance technology. If law enforcement wants to use new surveillance tech, it can’t hide the information. Read More
Americans capitol building

Relief and Caution

Nov 21, 2014
On the heels of the president’s executive action, the decision by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to end the deeply-flawed Secure Communities program is a step in the right direction. But with a new program in its place that will target “enforcement priorities,” we are cautious.This decision acknowledges that the Secure Communities program had led to widespread civil right... Read More
surveillance camera footage

Communities Under Surveillance in California

Nov 21, 2014
Back in 2012, the LA County Sheriff commissioned a small Cessna plane filled with cameras and had it secretly fly over the City of Compton for nine days. The Sheriff did not tell that city’s residents – many of whom are Black and Hispanic – they were being watched, that their private lives were being recorded, or that a private company would control their data. This story of surveillance... Read More