
Port of Oakland

Unchecked Mass Surveillance of the Entire City of Oakland is Not OK

Mar 04, 2014
The ACLU of Northern California sent this letter urging the Oakland City Council not to approve the Domain Awareness Center (DAC), Phase 2 Contract. The resolution does not reflect the views of City Councilmembers, missing key facts and legal info interfere with meaningful oversight by the Council, and there are concerns with federal access to DAC data under the Patriot Act. Read More
Barack Obama

What Does It Take To Truly Be "My Brother's Keeper"

Feb 28, 2014
A year ago, Kyle Thompson a young, Black, freshman was led away from his school in handcuffs and ultimately expelled from school. His offense? Mistakenly thinking that his teacher's attempt to take a note for him was a joke and playfully trying to get the note back. When he realized this wasn't play, he immediately let her have the note. That misunderstanding left Kyle out of school and facing cri... Read More
Metadata Piecing Together a Privacy Solution report cover

Metadata: Piecing Together a Privacy Solution

Feb 27, 2014
Our new policy paper, Metadata: Piecing Together a Privacy Solution, examines how outdated laws and new technologies combine to put personal privacy at risk and proposes a way forward to ensure that sensitive data of any type gets the protection it deserves. Read More
Metadata: Piecing Together a Privacy Solution

Protect Our Privacy – Protect Our Metadata

Feb 26, 2014
Government agencies from the NSA to local law enforcement have taken advantage of weak protections for “metadata” to build huge databases about ordinary Americans. In response, the ACLU of California today released “Metadata: Piecing Together a Privacy Solution,” a new policy paper that offers a way forward. Read More
DAs and Sheriffs report to you

Contested DA and Sheriff Races in California

Feb 25, 2014
A great deal of power and responsibility lies in the hands of District Attorneys and Sheriffs. Now is the time to exercise your power to select, endorse, and vote for District Attorney and Sheriff candidates that speak for you and your community. Read More
Sex Education in Schools

Parents and Physicians Declare Victory, End Clovis Sex Education Lawsuit

Feb 25, 2014
Today parents and physicians dismissed their lawsuit against the Clovis Unified School District (CUSD), whose sex education curriculum was not in compliance with California state law. As a result of the lawsuit, the district has made dramatic improvements to sex education, including removing wrong and biased materials, adding information about contraception, and training teachers. Read More
DAs & sheriffs report to you

DAs and Sheriffs: They Report to You

Feb 24, 2014
A great deal of power and responsibility lies in the hands of district attorneys and sheriffs. Yet, most voters don’t pay close attention to these candidates. Vote on Nov. 4 to shift gears on criminal justice. Read More
KYR Resource

Know Your Rights: Photographers

Feb 20, 2014
Taking photos of things that are plainly visible from public spaces is a constitutional right. Unfortunately, officers keep ordering people to stop taking photos, and harassing, detaining and arresting those who fail to comply. Know your rights. Read More