
ACLU of Northern CA

Judge to Feds: to Track Cell Phones, Get a Warrant

Nov 17, 2011
Catherine CrumpACLU National OfficeIn a victory for the privacy rights of everyone with a cell phone, a court has held that law enforcement agents must get a warrant to access cell phone location records. The ACLU, ACLU of Texas and Electronic Frontier Foundation submitted a brief urging the court to adopt exactly this position. The Constitution requires nothing less.In the case, the government as... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Bay Area Rights Groups Ask FBI Director to Address Racial Profiling, Islamophobia

Nov 17, 2011
The American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU-NC), the Asian Law Caucus (ALC), and the San Francisco Bay Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFBA) have sent a joint letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller in advance of his visit to San Francisco today asking him to address issues of racial profiling and Islamophobia. Read More

ACLU and National Lawyers Guild File Suit Against Oakland Police Department

Nov 14, 2011
Today the ACLU of Northern California and the National Lawyers' Guild filed a lawsuitin federal court against the Oakland Police Department (OPD) for its egregious constitutional violations against Occupy Oakland demonstrators. The lawsuit asks for an emergency temporary restraining order to stop police violence against political protesters. The restraining order is urgent because another police e... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

It Was Close, But We Won: Viva Net Neutrality!

Nov 10, 2011
By Sandra FultonACLU Washington Legislative OfficeToday in the Senate there was a major win for freedom of speech and the Internet. In a largely partisan vote Senate Democrats defeated a resolution introduced by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) which would have overturned the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) open Internet rules that are set to go into effect this month.Though the FCC's... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

LGBT Equality Groups Urge Ninth Circuit to Reject Attack on Prop 8 Trial Judge

Nov 08, 2011
Today, a coalition of groups advocating for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality filed a friend-of-the-court brief urging the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold a U.S. District Court decision that rejected a move to vacate the historic August 2010 ruling that invalidated Proposition 8, the 2008 ballot measure that stripped the freedom to marry from same-sex couples in Califor... Read More
Occupy Oakland - this is what democracy looks like

This is What the First Amendment Looks Like

Nov 03, 2011
The day after an enormous peaceful demonstration, and the first general strike this country has seen since the 1940s, some of the focus has turned to bonfires and tear gas. But as we continue looking into what happened during late-night clashes between demonstrators and the police, let's not forget the voices of the thousands upon thousands of people who peacefully came together and marched throug... Read More
Occupy Oakland protest

Oakland Police Internal Investigation Isn't Good Enough

Nov 01, 2011
In response to the Oakland Police Department’s (OPD) transformation last week of downtown Oakland into this battle zone-like scene, the ACLU of Northern California and the National Lawyers’ Guild demanded that OPD conduct a full and independent investigation of the recent enforcement actions on Occupy Oakland.On October 31, we received a letter from OPD informing us that it had opened up an Intern... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

City of Antioch Agrees to Federal Court Supervision

Oct 26, 2011
Putting an end to a divisive four year dispute, the City of Antioch last night agreed to a settlement in Williams v. Antioch, a class action civil rights lawsuit brought by five African American women. The suit accused the City of Antioch and its police department of engaging in a concerted campaign of intimidation, harassment and discrimination against African American families who get federal as... Read More
Occupy protesters

When Will the Oakland Police Learn?

Oct 26, 2011
Picture this. In response to a peaceful anti-war protest, the Oakland Police Department uses large wooden bullets, sting ball grenades and shot-filled bean bags, as a result of which at least 58 protesters are injured. That was 2003, and unfortunately sounds eerily similar to reports of OPD's response to an Occupy Oakland demonstration yesterday evening, in which bean bags or other projectiles app... Read More