
police car

ACLU Sues San Francisco Police Department for Unconstitutionally Targeting Black People for Arrest

Oct 04, 2018
SAN FRANCISCO – The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU Foundation of Northern California, and the law firm Durie Tangri LLP, filed a lawsuit against the City of San Francisco for its police department’s racially discriminatory enforcement practices. In violation of the Constitution, the SFPD, which has a long and sordid history of racial discrimination, targeted Black people for arrest becau... Read More
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Mom Fears Her Autistic Son Is Being Abused at School. District Does Nothing.

Oct 03, 2018
School just got back in session, but one school district in Northern California already needs a lesson in how to create a welcoming and safe environment for Black students with disabilities.A 5-year-old Black student with autism and speech and language impairments suffered for months, including suffering injuries that needed to be treated by a hospital, all because of the inadequate oversight of H... Read More
Kavanaugh illustration credit ACLU

ACLU of Northern California Statement Opposing Kavanaugh Confirmation

Oct 01, 2018
The ACLU of Northern California joins the National ACLU in opposing the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. As a matter of organizational policy, the ACLU does not support or oppose candidates for political or judicial office, but credible allegations of sexual assault have been lodged against Judge Kavanaugh. The standard for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court shou... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Phone Banking Login

Oct 01, 2018

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ACLU of Northern CA

Ninth Circuit Affirms Injunction Obtained by ACLU Granting Relief for Immigrant Teens Wrongly Arrested and Jailed Without Due Process

Oct 01, 2018
SAN FRANCISCO — The American Civil Liberties Union, co-counsel Cooley LLP and Holly S. Cooper, co-director of the UC Davis Immigration Law Clinic, have prevailed in the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on behalf of immigrant teenagers whom the Trump Administration had arrested and jailed for “gang affiliation,” despite there being no evidence of gang crimes. In an opinion issued on Oct... Read More
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Governor Brown Signs Landmark Police Reform Legislation Sponsored by ACLU of California

Sep 30, 2018
SACRAMENTO – Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1421 (Skinner) and Assembly Bill 748 (Ting), historic police reform legislation sponsored by the ACLU of California. Peter Bibring, Director of Police Practices for the ACLU of California, responded with the following statement: We, as a society, confer on law enforcement the unparalleled powers to stop, arrest and use force on peop... Read More