
San Quentin

California Lethal Injection Protocol

Jan 29, 2018

Even as public support for the death penalty continues to decline nationwide, California is undertaking another lengthy, costly and futile process to develop a new lethal injection protocol. The state has already spent almost a decade trying to create a legally sound execution protocol, but they have failed repeatedly and there is no evidence to suggest that this time will be any different.

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ICE arrest

California: Redadas de ICE

Jan 23, 2018
Dadas las recientes amenazas de redadas de ICE a gran escala, la ACLU del Norte de California quiere asegurar que conozcas tus derechos. Read More
Pass on the knowledge! #CAHealthyYouth
KYR Resource

Know Your Rights: Sex Ed Advocacy Toolkit

Jan 22, 2018
At a time of national reckoning over sexual harassment and assault and an increase in bias incidents against LGBTQ people, it’s more important than ever that young people receive sex education that teaches them about healthy relationships, consent, gender diversity, sexual orientation, and their reproductive rights. The good news is that the California Healthy Youth Act—the nation’s strongest ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Winter 2018 ACLU News

Jan 15, 2018
Download the Winter 2018 ACLU of Northern California Newsletter and read about our latest events and initiatives. Read More