
jail hands

Bill to Address Secret and Unregulated Use of Jailhouse Informants Passes Out of Committee

Mar 21, 2017
Today, a bill to close a significant loophole in existing law regarding jailhouse informants passed unanimously out of the Assembly Public Safety Committee. Assembly Bill 359, by Assemblymember Reginald Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles), comes in the wake of controversy in Orange County over use of jailhouse informants and revelations that two informants were paid over $335,000 in cash payments fr... Read More
Thousands protest against the Muslim ban in front of San Francisco City Hall in January 2017

Court Blocks Trump’s New Muslim Ban

Mar 15, 2017
On day one of the Muslim ban, people took to the streets and the airports because they knew that this ban was disgraceful and discriminatory. We're heartened to see the courts repeatedly affirm that these executive orders are fatally flawed. The Muslim ban is part of a larger lie that Donald Trump is trying to sell to the American public—a lie that attempts to turn Muslims and immigrants into scap... Read More
police car lights

People ex rel. Pierson v. Superior Court (Grand Juries)

Mar 14, 2017
In 2015, the California Legislature enacted SB 227 to try to ensure that prosecutors use a public process when deciding whether to criminally charge police officers accused in shootings or other uses of excessive force, as opposed to using secret grand-jury proceedings. The Court of Appeal held that the law is unconstitutional because it conflicts the constitutional role of the grand jury. The ACL... Read More