
Four portraits of clients in Sanchez v. Caltrans

Sanchez v. California Department of Transportation

Dec 08, 2016

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is violating the constitutional rights of homeless people by confiscating and destroying their property in ongoing sweeps. The class-action suit seeks a permanent injunction to stop this illegal practice throughout California. 

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Client in Gill v. DOJ case speaking at press conference

Gill v. DOJ (Challenge to Federal Suspicious Activity Reporting)

Dec 08, 2016
The ACLU Foundations of California filed a lawsuit challenging the federal government’s Suspicious Activity Reporting program - a vast expansion of the federal government’s domestic intelligence network. The SAR program targets First Amendment-protected activity, encourages racial and religious profiling, and violates federal law. The plaintiffs are five U.S. citizens whose information has been en... Read More
aerial shot of housing

Affordable Housing is a Civil Right

Dec 08, 2016
A coalition of community groups recently announced a groundbreaking partnership with Facebook and the cities of East Palo Alto and Menlo Park to address affordable housing, displacement, and economic opportunity in the region. Read More
pesticide sprayer vehicle

Young Minds Should Be Filled With Knowledge, Not Chemicals. Pesticide Spraying Must be Regulated.

Dec 07, 2016
Almost 30 years ago, a study showed that people of color were more likely to live near incinerators.  Since then, the dangerous conditions and exposure to environmental dangers have  gotten worse. In California, CalEnviroScreen data recently demonstrated that race and environmental harms are directly correlated. Considering this, it’s alarming to think that a California agency that has t... Read More

The Obama Administration Is Allowing Religious Organizations to Restrict Health Care for the Most Vulnerable, but We Just Won the First Round

Dec 05, 2016
When she was 17 years old, Rosa* fled her home country and came to the U.S. seeking a better life. As she made her way across the border, she was raped. After she arrived in the U.S. alone, she was taken into federal custody and then placed with a Catholic organization that receives taxpayer money to provide services to young women like Rosa. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Fall 2016 ACLU News

Dec 05, 2016
Download the Fall 2016 ACLU of Northern California Newsletter and read about our latest events and initiatives. Read More