
fingerprints / shutterstock

State Audit Affirms ACLU of California Concerns on Gang Database

Aug 11, 2016
A state audit finding that the CalGang database is plagued by inaccuracies and weak oversight provides further evidence of the long-held position of the ACLU of California that the controversial intelligence-gathering system violates individuals’ rights to privacy and fair treatment. Read More
chain link fence

Mandatory Detention Struck Down in California and Other Western States; Thousands of Families Now Protected

Aug 05, 2016
On August 4, 2016, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed the ruling in Mony Preap et al. v. Johnson. The class action successfully challenged the federal government’s practice in California of detaining certain immigrants without bond, often for many months, while they face deportation proceedings. Today’s ruling means thousands of California’s immigrants may now make an individ... Read More

Preap v. Johnson (Mandatory Immigration Detention)

Aug 04, 2016
Most immigrants who are detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement ("ICE") and placed in deportation proceedings are eligible for release on bond. Under a broad and incorrect interpretation of federal law, however, each of the named plaintiffs in this case has been denied the opportunity to challenge his detention while deportation proceedings are pending. Read More
mother and child

New Report Reveals Illegal Admissions Polices at Charter Schools

Aug 02, 2016
Over 20 percent of all charter schools in California have enrollment policies in place that violate state and federal law, according to a new report released on August 1. It provides recommendations to charter schools, charter-authorizing bodies and the state Department of Education to address the violations. Read More
#SafetyIs by Micah Bazant

What Does Safety Mean to You?

Aug 02, 2016
Every year on the first Tuesday of August, the National Association of Neighborhood Watch sponsors a “National Night Out.” The tenor of these events usually reinforce the idea that neighborhood watch and police-community partnerships are the pathway to public safety.But public safety, at its best, isn’t about watching your neighbors. It’s not about expanding police departments. So far in... Read More

#FreedomNow: Global Call to Action 7.21

Jul 20, 2016
We support the Movement for Black Lives and the collective #FreedomNow actions taking place globally on Thursday, July 21. Join us at a protest or take these online actions to show your support. Read More