
asset forfeiture report cover

ACLU Report: Asset Forfeiture Takes Wealth from Communities of Color

May 19, 2016
Did you know that in 2014 police took more property from people in the U.S. than burglars did? Frightening, but absolutely legal. A new ACLU of California report finds that, although this tactic of policing for profit can impact all types of innocent people, folks of color and poor people bear the heaviest burden. Read More
binders full of paper

Our Fears Confirmed: Proposed Lethal Injection Regulations Fraught with Deep and Troubling Flaws

May 10, 2016
In 2015, the CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehab. published proposed regulations for a new execution protocol. This triggered an important public comment period in accordance with CA law. The ACLU had previously submitted a Public Records Act request, in order to shed light on the proposed regulations and enhance the public's ability to comment meaningfully on them. After withholding records for mon... Read More