ACLU 2019 Chapter Events

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ACLU of Northern CA

Kick off 2019 by joining ACLU activists in your home community! Over the next month, the ACLU of Northern California's chapters are hosting forums, panels, and meet-and-greets featuring ACLU experts and local leaders. The events will focus on some of the most important civil rights issues of our time, including police accountability, immigrants' rights, gender equity, technology and surveillance, and racial justice.

Chapters are the ACLU's ambassadors in communities across the region, and work to keep lawmakers on their toes by representing ACLU priorities and issues. Check out the list below and register for an event near you!

Upcoming Events:

Sign up for phone banking in San Francisco! Over the next few months, there will be frequent phone banking events in support of The California Act to Save Lives, a bill that would update the police use of force standards in California. 

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