Cast Your Votes: Two ACLU Panels at SXSW 2016

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SXSW panel picker

The ACLU of Northern California has submitted two proposals for Technology & Civil Liberties panels at SXSW Interactive 2016! Please vote for our proposals using the South by Southwest Panel Picker. Preview our proposals below and don't forget to vote for both panels. Thank you.

Google, Twitter & Reddit – Takedowns, Tools & Speech

What’s the future for content distribution, creativity, and social and political connection? Many of the most important decisions about content, access, and speech are now concentrated in the hands of a few private platforms like Google, Twitter & reddit. When are current events too violent? When do posts cross the line into harassment? What’s the right balance between takedowns and user tools? Who should be the deciders and how do you get your voice heard when you think content should be taken down or put back up? Join the policy experts from Google, Twitter & reddit and the ACLU's Nicole Ozer to discuss what’s happening now and debate the future of content distribution and free speech. Organizer: Nicole A. Ozer, ACLU of Northern California

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Designing the Internet of Things for Privacy

It’s not just smartphones anymore – everything from our watches to our refrigerators can be connected to the Internet today. But will companies want to use our heart rates to show us ads? Will insurers be interested in how much ice cream we eat? As the devices we use every day fill with sensors and gain new connectivity, they become far more useful. But they can also collect new kinds of information – about our most intimate habits and interactions – multiplying the privacy challenges for companies and consumers alike. Traditional ways of explaining privacy choices don’t always work in this space. To win loyalty and avoid costly mistakes, a new approach to privacy by design will be key. Organizer: Matt Cagle, ACLU of Northern California

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