open to all two women


We can be pretty sure that each new day will bring two things: new threats to our civil liberties, and new stories of people standing up for their rights and winning. Behind every court ruling is a person. Behind every landmark law is a movement. Read the stories and hear the voices that ground our work.

Excerpt from our letter on behalf of Ms. Rossi

We Take Baseless Defamation Accusations Seriously. Here’s Why.

May 03, 2018
The ACLU Foundation of Northern California is committed to fighting against spurious legal claims that threaten free speech. Especially when corporations and other powerful entities attempt to strong-arm people who have less resources at their disposal. This is exactly what happened to Claudia Rossi, a Bay Area school-board member and trustee, when she raised concerns about a private charter ... Read More
MLK with American flag

50 Years After MLK’s Assassination, We Remain Two Societies, ‘Separate and Unequal’

Apr 04, 2018
On April 4, 1968, I was 11 and growing up in Memphis when the news came that Martin Luther King had been murdered. My parents couldn’t hide how bad it was – they were angry. They were afraid. And most memorably to my childhood self, they were crying. I couldn’t articulate it at the time, but I know now that I was afraid that killing the dreamer could kill the dream.Exactly one year earlier, in a s... Read More
The Facebook Campus

After the Facebook Privacy Debacle, It’s Time for Clear Steps to Protect Users

Mar 23, 2018
We learned last weekend that a trove of personal information from 50 million people — one in three U.S. Facebook users — was harvested for an influence and propaganda operation led by Cambridge Analytica, a company later used by the Trump campaign. Was Facebook hacked? Nope. All of this personal information was accessed through the Facebook “app gap,” a major privacy hole in Facebook’s app platfor... Read More
hair with lines cut in

Cultural Incompetence: My Son was Kicked out of Class Because of His Hair

Mar 08, 2018
When my son recently brought home a certificate for making honor roll at his middle school, I was so proud. That quickly faded the next day when I received several calls from my child informing me that he had been pulled out of class. Because of his hair.My 14-year-old son’s Tenaya Middle School teacher sent him to the vice principal for his hairstyle on a Friday. He was told he had to get it “fix... Read More