open to all two women


We can be pretty sure that each new day will bring two things: new threats to our civil liberties, and new stories of people standing up for their rights and winning. Behind every court ruling is a person. Behind every landmark law is a movement. Read the stories and hear the voices that ground our work.

People pick strawberries in an agricultural field.

Trump’s EPA is Harming California’s Farmworkers. You Have the Power to Help.

Oct 02, 2017
The people who grow our food shouldn’t have to risk getting sick just to do their jobs. But dozens of California-grown crops—including oranges, lemons, almonds, and walnuts—are often treated with a dangerous pesticide called chlorpyrifos that can cause asthma and brain damage. This toxicant is not safe for pregnant women and children to ingest even in trace amounts, but it is especially dangerous ... Read More
freedom shouldn't be for sale

Bail Reform: Not a Question of If, But When for California

Sep 18, 2017
Bail reform is gaining steam, and we couldn’t be happier. Across the country, counties and states are tackling problems with their money bail systems. Even Congress — dysfunctional as it can be — is taking a look at the issue. And, here in California, bail reform has become a top priority for state policymakers.Just last month, Governor Brown and Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye announced a plan ... Read More
Abdi Soltani

Keeping Hope in the Face of Hate

Aug 25, 2017

Several times since the horrible events of Charlottesville, people have asked me, "what gives you hope?" I have had to search past a few things to get to that answer. 

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KYR Back to School General

Know Your Rights: Police in Schools Don’t Have Unlimited Power

Aug 24, 2017

When police officers replace school administrators as disciplinarians, the results are often disastrous, especially for students of color, low-income students, and students with disabilities. Police presence on campus contributes to the school-to-prison pipeline that pushes thousands of youth out of the classroom and into the criminal justice system

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Know Your Rights: You Have the Right to Get Reproductive Health Care and Keep it Private

Aug 23, 2017
With a new school year comes new experiences, new choices, and new opportunities. One is the opportunity to make sure you and your friends have the information you need to help navigate the different decisions that may come up in your life. Some of the most important decisions you may face are around your reproductive and sexual health, and if you’re a young person in California, you have the righ... Read More

I Spy With My Little Eye a Constitutional Violation

Aug 22, 2017
There has always been a tenuous relationship between protesters and the police, but it’s even more frustrating to think some police departments may track events and their organizers solely because of the views expressed. Just this year, the Fresno Police Department has tracked at least 47 events, with one thing in common: they were aligned with progressive causes.From January to May 2017, the Fres... Read More