open to all two women


We can be pretty sure that each new day will bring two things: new threats to our civil liberties, and new stories of people standing up for their rights and winning. Behind every court ruling is a person. Behind every landmark law is a movement. Read the stories and hear the voices that ground our work.

Hip hop artist is on stage from the view of the audience

Prosecutors Used Rap Lyrics as Evidence in a Murder Trial; that’s Racial Bias

Sep 28, 2021
Rap lyrics are protected free speech under the First Amendment. But all too often in trial after trial of Black men, prosecutors introduce this form of artistic expression to secure convictions for serious crimes carrying long prison sentences. Simply put, rap is unfairly seen in the courts, not as an art form, but as inherently incriminating evidence. Read More
Archive graphic

Exploring the ACLU News Archive: The Fight Against Housing Discrimination in California is a Story of Progress and Backlash

Jul 13, 2021
The ACLU News archive, dating back to 1945, documents the various forms of legalized housing discrimination leveled at Black people in Northern California, and also charts severe backlash to progress, whenever it was made. It provides a snapshot of the ways that businesses, the state, and individuals partnered to exclude Black people from the accumulation of wealth through dispossession and the de... Read More
archive preview for blog on the Stonewall uprising

Exploring the ACLU News Archive: The Intersection of Pride and Police Abuse of Power

Jun 28, 2021
Pride began as a protest against police brutality. Fifty-two years ago today, transgender women of color led an uprising against the New York Police Department following its violent raid of the Stonewall Inn. According to journalist Dick Leitsch, who has been identified as one of the first to report on the events at Stonewall after witnessing them first-hand, the uprising came on the heels of poli... Read More
Crowd rallies for George Floyd on the day of Derek Chauvin's murder trial

In George Floyd's Name, the Fight for Justice Marches On

May 25, 2021
We must continue the fight to ensure that Floyd’s death has not been in vain. We renew our commitment to overhauling the role of policing in American society—in the memory of Floyd, and in the memory of the incalculable other Black lives lost to police violence. Read More
Vaccine graphic

California's “Equity” Algorithm Could Leave 2 Million Struggling Californians Without Additional Vaccine Supply

May 06, 2021
As most Californians become eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, California is rightly centering equity in distributing doses to communities that have been hardest hit. But our analysis of the state’s most recent plans suggests that the Department of Public Health’s vaccine-distribution algorithm may fall short, leaving millions of the neediest Californians without additional supply. Read More