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We can be pretty sure that each new day will bring two things: new threats to our civil liberties, and new stories of people standing up for their rights and winning. Behind every court ruling is a person. Behind every landmark law is a movement. Read the stories and hear the voices that ground our work.

Photo of Benito

You Should Not Have a Gun Pointed at Your Head

Jul 27, 2015
Whatever your immigration status, you should not be arrested without proper justification. You should not have your home entered or searched without a warrant or other cause. You should not be treated differently because of your race or ethnicity. You should not have a gun pointed at your head for no reason. Read More
The Confederate battle flag flies above the South Carolina capitol grounds in July 2012.

Why Texas Is Wrong and South Carolina Is Right on the Confederate Flag

Jul 22, 2015
This piece originally appeared at PostEverything on ACLU joined calls this month for the state of South Carolina to unhook the “Southern Cross”—a Confederate battle flag—from the flagpole at the state capitol and permanently remove the flag from the seat of its government. When the flag came down, we applauded. South Carolina, its governor, legislatu... Read More
Economic Justice

Constitutional Fail: Fresno County's Public Defense System is Broken

Jul 21, 2015
While the criminal justice system’s primary aim is to further public safety, all too often it is co-opted to perpetuate the history of racial inequality and economic injustice in the United States. Conscious and unconscious racial bias can impact every part of the criminal justice system, from initial stops and arrests, to bail decisions, charging practices, plea bargaining, sentencing, and time i... Read More
Constitution + gavel

What Went Wrong with the Case of Francisco Lopez-Sanchez

Jul 14, 2015
The tragic shooting of Kate Steinle in San Francisco has focused national attention on why her accused assailant, Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, was released from the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department’s custody in April and not deported. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and others have rushed to cast blame on the sheriff’s department for Ms. Steinle’s death. But this horrible and apparently ran... Read More