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We can be pretty sure that each new day will bring two things: new threats to our civil liberties, and new stories of people standing up for their rights and winning. Behind every court ruling is a person. Behind every landmark law is a movement. Read the stories and hear the voices that ground our work.


ACLU Lambasts Gov. Brown's Prison Plan, Calls Competing Senate Proposal a Step in Right Direction

Aug 28, 2013
The American Civil Liberties Union of California is encouraged by Sen. Darrell Steinberg's proposal, announced today, to reject Gov. Jerry Brown's call for prison expansion and to instead seek lasting solutions to California's overincarceration crisis that will also make our communities safer. As several members of the Senate Democratic Caucus acknowledged at a press conference this morning, mass ... Read More

Reflecting on the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington and Dr. King's 17,000 Page FBI File

Aug 28, 2013
It's been fifty years since the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, and 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation. There are still many steps in this country's long march from slavery toward equality and racial justice.As we reflect on the legacy of the March on Washington, we also should remember that Dr. King didn't just have a dream, he also had a 17,000 page FBI file. Before... Read More

Send the ACLU to SXSW 2014!

Aug 26, 2013
The annual SXSW Interactive festival draws thousands of developers and entrepreneurs – an audience that needs to hear how much you care about issues like online privacy and free speech. Please vote for our three panels and help us spread the word! Read More

Stop Driver's Licenses from Being "Enhanced" with Security Flaws

Aug 21, 2013
SB 397 would allow the California DMV to issue Enhanced Driver's Licenses embedded with computer chips called RFIDs that can be read from 30 feet away without your knowing. The country's largest electronics industry group warned against using this technology for security reasons. SB 397 lacks the basic safeguards necessary to protect our privacy and security. Enhanced Driver's Licenses just aren't... Read More
Student doing homework

Let's Fix School Discipline in California

Aug 14, 2013
Taxpayers spend more on the criminal justice system than what it would cost to educate every young person in California. AB 420 addresses the school-to-prison pipeline and will keep more kids in front of a blackboard instead of behind bars. Read More

California Must Follow the Attorney General's Lead

Aug 12, 2013
California must follow the Attorney General’s lead. We must abandon the failed and costly policies of the past that have left far too many people locked up for far too long who don’t need to be kept behind bars to keep our families and communities safe. Now is the time to focus on front end sentencing reforms, especially for low-level, nonviolent drug crimes, that will reduce wasteful spending on ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

The Dream 9, Immigration Detention and Solitary Confinement

Aug 09, 2013
Solitary confinement completely isolates immigration detainees: They are generally confined to a small jail cell for twenty-three hours a day, with little to no human contact, and a slot in the door through which officers pass their meals. In some Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities, their one hour of daily “rec” time takes place in a human-size cage or in a narrow concrete yard o... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

SCOTUS to California: End Prison Overcrowding

Aug 02, 2013
The U.S. Supreme Court today rejected a request from the state of California for a stay of the federal court order that the state reduce its prison capacity to 137.5 percent of capacity.The following statement was issued this afternoon by the ACLU of California:"Today's Supreme Court ruling makes plain that state leaders can no longer avoid the urgent need to enact the kinds of reforms that will c... Read More

Ashton is Standing Up for Transgender Students

Aug 02, 2013
Many of us get a little nostalgic for high school sometimes: long summers off, overnight trips for sports competitions, pep rallies, and football games. For many, it brings back fond memories of a time with fewer responsibilities and a faster metabolism. But unfortunately, for some students, the memories they make in high school aren't so warm.Meet AshtonMeet Ashton, a 16-year-old who is an aspiri... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Urges Oakland City Council to Put the Brakes on Surveillance Center

Jul 24, 2013
The ACLU of Northern California today urged the Oakland City Council to put the brakes on a proposed $11 million surveillance center because it would enable the City to engage in widespread warrantless surveillance of Oakland residents. (Read our letter here.)The so-called Domain Awareness Center (DAC) would consolidate a vast network of surveillance data. It would pull in over 1,000 cameras and s... Read More

Use of Automated License Plate Readers Expanding in Northern California, and Data is Shared with Feds

Jul 22, 2013
The feeling of freedom that comes from driving down California's sunny open roads is at risk—and rising gas prices are not to blame. Our investigations show that at least twenty Northern California law enforcement entities as well as the California Highway Patrol track the whereabouts of millions of Californians using automated license plate readers (ALPR), and some apparently even share rec... Read More
Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman and Implicit Bias

Jul 17, 2013
As the mother of an African-American boy, the tragic, unnecessary death of Trayvon Martin and the trial and subsequent acquittal of George Zimmerman have me heartbroken and filled with unanswerable questions. Does this verdict mean that some people view my son's (or my husband's or my father's) life as disposable? And how do parents like me protect our sons from people whose perceptions, unconscio... Read More