open to all two women


We can be pretty sure that each new day will bring two things: new threats to our civil liberties, and new stories of people standing up for their rights and winning. Behind every court ruling is a person. Behind every landmark law is a movement. Read the stories and hear the voices that ground our work.

ACLU of Northern CA

Legislative Assault on the Public Records Act

Jun 24, 2013
In a move that threatens the ability of Californians to hold their elected officials accountable to the public interest, the legislature late last week included a sly, last-minute amendment to the 2013-2014 budget now awaiting Gov. Jerry Brown's signature that substantially limits the public's right to know what our local leaders are doing in our name.This 11th hour amendment makes it easier for p... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU to Fresno: Don't Block Marriage Equality Rallies

Jun 24, 2013
It's LGBT Pride Month across the country, and all eyes are on the U.S. Supreme Court as we wait for decisions in two cases involving marriage for same-sex couples. So why is the City of Fresno blocking local marriage equality supporters from holding a rally? The ACLU stepped in today to make sure the city isn't silencing free speech.Marriage Equality USA wants to hold a rally in support of the fre... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Ask the Experts! Comprehensive Sex Education

Jun 22, 2013
Abstinence-only-until-marriage instruction is still taught in a surprising number of Northern California school districts, despite a state law that prohibits it in public schools. Reproductive Justice Policy Director Phyllida Burlingame discusses the challenges of enforcing the law and what the ACLU is doing to help young people get the information they need to protect their sexual and r... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Call Logs? Try Kilowatts: Reports Reveal Demands for California Energy Data

Jun 18, 2013
Amid recent revelations that the NSA has been secretly spying on phone records and the Internet activity of people in the United States, transparency reports filed by the California utilities companies and obtained by the ACLU of California show that a significant amount of data about the energy use of Californians is also ending up in the hands of third parties. In 2012, a single California utili... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Is Alameda County's Sheriff Still Planning on Pursuing a Drone?

Jun 13, 2013
Today, we sent a letter to the Alameda County Sheriff asking him whether he plans to pursue his earlier-announced plans to acquire a drone. Budget documents we obtained through a Public Records Act request suggest that he is not planning to acquire a drone in Fiscal Year 2013-14. But a conclusive answer from his office would provide the public with the clarity and transparency it deserves.Last Dec... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU of California Speaking Up Against Secret Spying

Jun 11, 2013
The ACLU of California has joined 85 other leading privacy groups, academic institutions, and businesses to call on Congress to take immediate action to halt the secret spying by the National Security Agency (NSA) on phone records and Internet activity of people in the United States and provide a full public accounting of the NSA's and the FBI's data collection programs. See letter below and take ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Drug Sentencing Reform Bill Moves Closer to Becoming Law After Approval by Assembly Committee

Jun 11, 2013
If a lengthy jail sentence kept people from becoming addicted, we wouldn't have any drug problems. But California knows from experience that lengthy jail sentences for possession of a small amount of drugs for personal use just makes things worse – wasted lives, overcrowded jails, and devastating budget deficits. Fortunately, California may be about to turn the corner toward commonsense reform.The... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

VICTORY! San Joaquin County Becomes a Leader in Criminal Justice Reform

Jun 07, 2013
This week, when the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors rejected an enormously expensive proposal to double the size of the county's jail, it made the county a shining example of local government favoring "smart on crime" policies that enhance public safety and reduce incarceration over the dusty old "tough on crime" platitudes of the past.Rather than commit the cash-strapped county to buildin... Read More
estamos unidos

No Scarlet Letter for Undocumented Immigrants

Jun 04, 2013
As an organizer with the ACLU, I can't help but feel immensely proud to see people participating in civic engagement and advocacy for the very first time. The power of that experience felt particularly real as I read the news of AB 60 passing the California Assembly last week the bill that would make obtaining a driver's license more accessible for all people living and working in California, rega... Read More
Michael T. Risher

Supreme Court Ruling a Blow to Genetic Privacy

Jun 03, 2013
The Supreme Court's 5-4 decision upholding Maryland's arrestee DNA testing law is a serious blow to genetic privacy. The ruling allows the police to seize the DNA of innocent Americans who have never been convicted of any sort of crime, without a search warrant. And as Justice Scalia makes clear in his scathing dissent, the majority opinion goes against decades of precedent that makes it clear tha... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

California Appeals Court Says Lethal Injection Rules Are Illegal

May 31, 2013
Yesterday afternoon the California Court of Appeal held that our prison system has, once again, completely failed to comply with state law when it adopted a problematic procedure for carrying out lethal injection executions.Given that there is now no legal protocol for lethal injection executions, no known legal source for the drugs, and that manufacturers worldwide are increasingly reluctant to m... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Are Online Phone Records Vulnerable Too?

May 15, 2013
In light of recent revelations that the Department of Justice secretly requested the telephone records of Associated Press (AP) journalists, we started thinking about newer calling services, like Google Voice. We know that some journalists also use these services. Are these records vulnerable too?Google Voice can be handy, allowing people on the move like journalists to send and receive calls or t... Read More