open to all two women


We can be pretty sure that each new day will bring two things: new threats to our civil liberties, and new stories of people standing up for their rights and winning. Behind every court ruling is a person. Behind every landmark law is a movement. Read the stories and hear the voices that ground our work.

ACLU of Northern CA

Gov. Brown Vetoes Important Bill Intended to Improve Educational Opportunities for All Students

Oct 12, 2013
Today Governor Brown missed an important opportunity to improve educational opportunities for our most vulnerable students by vetoing SB 744. The bill, authored by Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Long Beach) would have protected students by establishing fair transfer processes, ensuring that students’ educational needs are met and providing clear pathways for students to return to traditional schools. Read More

It's a Good Day to Be a Woman in California

Oct 10, 2013
Yesterday, Governor Brown signed AB 154 to expand access to abortion in California. The legislation addresses a current shortage in the state—52% of California counties don’t have an accessible abortion provider—and allows women to receive care in their own communities from providers they already know and trust. At a time when reproductive health, rights, and justice are under attack in so much of... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

The Addiction that Costs California $150,000

Sep 30, 2013
Comedian and actor David Moss fell into hard times with a drug addiction that immediately became a struggle he couldn’t overcome. Addiction had landed him in a cycle of arrests – not just one or two times, but a whopping 14 times for the same charge: being under the influence of a narcotic. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

The First Assault on Abortion Rights

Sep 30, 2013
Today marks the 37th anniversary of the Hyde Amendment, which in 1976 stripped poor women of Medicaid coverage for abortion, turning a legal right into something that is out of reach for many. Read More
Williams v. California: Lessons From Nine Years of Implementation

Williams v. California: Lessons From Nine Years of Implementation

Sep 29, 2013
Students in all of California’s public schools deserve at least these basic necessities for educational opportunity. The plaintiffs in the historic Williams v. California lawsuit fought for this principle, and on September 29, 2004, when legislation implementing the settlement agreement was signed into law, they helped to usher in a new era for public education in California. Read More
San Francisco press conference re: Suspicious Activity Reports photo by Gigi Pandian

The Government is Spying on You: ACLU Releases New Evidence of Overly Broad Surveillance of Everyday Activities

Sep 19, 2013
For years, we at the ACLU have been warning that the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative – a vast information sharing program that encourages the collection and sharing of “suspicious activity” among private parties and local, state and federal law enforcement – would lead to violations of our privacy, racial and religious profiling, and interference with constitutionally... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Prop 35 Violates the First Amendment

Sep 11, 2013
Yesterday morning the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit heard oral argument in the ACLU of Northern California’s lawsuit with the Electronic Frontier Foundation against Proposition 35. I told the court that Proposition 35 is too broad and violates the First Amendment. As the federal district court has already held, it affects too much protected speech, on too many websites, by too many p... Read More
policing oakland youth report

Racial Disparities in Arrests Contributing to Education Crisis for Oakland Students of Color

Aug 28, 2013
Oakland police are arresting school-age African American youth at shockingly high rates, contributing to a burgeoning education crisis for students of color, according to a new report released today by the Black Organizing Project, ACLU of Northern California, and Public Counsel. The report, "From Report Card to Criminal Record: The Impact of Policing Oakland Youth," reveals disturbing trends abou... Read More

Right to Protest Protected on UC Campuses

Aug 28, 2013
Yesterday, the Education Department's Office of Civil Rights dismissed three complaints that had been filed against the University of California, on the grounds that the complaints were based on constitutionally protected speech. The complaints had alleged that the activities of students critical of Israel's policies had created a hostile environment for Jewish students at the Berkeley, Santa Cruz... Read More

ACLU Lambasts Gov. Brown's Prison Plan, Calls Competing Senate Proposal a Step in Right Direction

Aug 28, 2013
The American Civil Liberties Union of California is encouraged by Sen. Darrell Steinberg's proposal, announced today, to reject Gov. Jerry Brown's call for prison expansion and to instead seek lasting solutions to California's overincarceration crisis that will also make our communities safer. As several members of the Senate Democratic Caucus acknowledged at a press conference this morning, mass ... Read More

Reflecting on the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington and Dr. King's 17,000 Page FBI File

Aug 28, 2013
It's been fifty years since the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, and 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation. There are still many steps in this country's long march from slavery toward equality and racial justice.As we reflect on the legacy of the March on Washington, we also should remember that Dr. King didn't just have a dream, he also had a 17,000 page FBI file. Before... Read More