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We can be pretty sure that each new day will bring two things: new threats to our civil liberties, and new stories of people standing up for their rights and winning. Behind every court ruling is a person. Behind every landmark law is a movement. Read the stories and hear the voices that ground our work.

ACLU of Northern CA

When Will California Stop Shackling Pregnant Women?

Oct 06, 2010
In California, we shackle pregnant women in prison.And despite widespread opposition, we will continue to do so.On Sept. 27, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill that would have ordered county jails and prisons to stop shackling pregnant women. The bill, AB1900, required new guidelines on restraining pregnant women and would have encouraged counties to adopt these policies. It had o... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

The Social Network: Facebook Behind the Scenes

Oct 05, 2010
The Social Network biopic that opened in theaters last week chronicles Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and the beginnings of Facebook. The social network behemoth and its young and oft-embroiled founder and CEO are ripe fodder for Hollywood. But looking beyond the manufactured drama and snappy dialogue, we are right to be concerned about this company that knows and collects so much information ab... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Sign the ACLU's petition to Attorney General Holder: Rein in FBI Surveillance Power

Sep 30, 2010
Did you hear about this? The Obama administration is seeking to expand the U.S. government's ability to conduct invasive surveillance online.1This outrageous proposal would mandate that all online communications services use technologies that would make it easier for the government to collect private communications and decode encrypted messages that Americans send. This includes communications sen... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

FasTrak Privacy Bill Signed by California Governor

Sep 29, 2010
Good news today for the location privacy of all California FasTrak users.Legislation authored by State Senator Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto) to protect the privacy of drivers using the FasTrak payment system for toll bridges and roads was signed into law today by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.As Simitian points out, "your travel history is a road map to your personal life. Where you've been, and when, d... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Administration Seeks Easy Access To Americans' Private Online Communications

Sep 29, 2010
Executive Branch Spying Powers Already Too Broad, Says ACLUWashington – The Obama administration is seeking to expand the government's ability to conduct invasive surveillance online, according to a report in The New York Times today. According to the report, the administration is expected to submit legislation to Congress early next year that would mandate that all online communications services ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Protecting the Legal Rights of Immigrants

Sep 15, 2010
ACLU of Northern California Challenge to The Abuse of Immigration Detainers Leads to Reforms by ICEA man named Carlos was waiting at a bus stop in San Bernardino County one recent evening when officers stopped and questioned him "because he looked suspicious." When Carlos was unable to show identification, the police arrested him. Carlos, who works as a janitor, has lived in the United States for ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Privacy and Safety Questions Loom Over Federal Program

Sep 14, 2010
The ACLU of Northern California (ACLU-NC) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) are calling for answers to critical privacy and safety questions that loom over a controversial federal program to track preschoolers with radio frequency identification (RFID) chips at George Miller III Head Start program in Richmond, California.In an open letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Servi... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

"Chipping" Students Creates More Problems than it Solves

Sep 01, 2010
On Tuesday, preschoolers in Richmond, California showed up for school and were handed jerseys embedded with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. RFID tags are tiny computer chips that are frequently used to track everything from cattle to commercial products moving through warehouses. Now the school district is apparently hoping to use these chips to replace manual attendance records, track... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Judge: No Difference Betweeen Cell Phone Tracking and GPS Vehicle Tracking

Aug 31, 2010
A few weeks ago, we wrote about United States v. Maynard, a decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit requiring the government to obtain a warrant when it uses a GPS tracking device to monitor someone's movements.Last Friday, Judge James Orenstein in the Eastern District of New York recognized that Maynard's reasoning also applies when the government tries to ret... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Moving Towards Rational Marijuana Policy: California ACLU Affiliates Endorse Prop 19

Aug 30, 2010
Every year tens of thousands of people in California are arrested for simply possessing small amounts of marijuana. These arrests overload our already stressed courts and jails. They also divert scarce public safety dollars that could be used to address violent crime. California's Proposition 19, on the November 2, 2010 ballot, offers a remedy that will move marijuana policy in a direction that ma... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Is the FBI Spying on Muslims in California?

Aug 27, 2010
Is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) spying on Muslim communities in Berkeley, Fresno, Visalia, San Jose or other Northern California communities?We don't know. But we're determined to find out.Over the past several months, community members from cities across Northern California have contacted the ACLU and the Asian Law Caucus to share their personal experiences about visits by FBI agents... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

California's Military Women Support Our Freedom. Shouldn't We Support Theirs?

Aug 27, 2010
Imagine you're a soldier stationed overseas and discover you're pregnant. If you want to have an abortion but are living in a country where it's illegal, you might as well be living in pre-Roe v. Wade America. Why? Current federal law prohibits almost all abortion services at U.S. military hospitals, even if a woman pays for the procedure herself. So, like a woman in the 1950s, you can fly to anot... Read More