Michelle Welsh
Michelle ("Mickey") Welsh is an attorney in private practice in the firm of Stoner, Welsh & Schmidt in Pacific Grove. Her law practice concentrates on employment, education and civil rights law. She also represents teachers through the California Teachers Association. She is an adjunct Professor of Constitutional Law and Employment Law at Monterey College of Law.
Welsh has been active in the Monterey County chapter for over 30 years, and chairs the chapter's volunteer legal committee. She had been chair of the ACLU–NC Field Activists Committee for many years ending in 2005. She was a co-founder and past chair of the Monterey County Women Lawyers Association, and she has served on the boards of directors for numerous organizations including Monterey College of Law, the Monterey County Bar Association, Camerata Singers, St. Mary's Episcopal Church and the Monterey Peninsula YWCA.
Welsh has volunteered for the AIDS Legal Referral Panel since 1987. In 2005 she was the recipient of the ACLU-NC Lola Hanzel Courageous Advocacy Award. Her other awards include the Chief Justice Phil Gibson Award for Community Service from the Monterey County Bar Association, the Outstanding Woman Award from the Monterey County Commission on the Status of Women, the Baha’i Human Rights Award from the United Nations Association, the Friend of Education Award from the Monterey Bay Teachers Association, the HIV Community Action Award from the Monterey County AIDS Project and the Francis Heisler Award from the ACLU Monterey County Chapter. She became chairperson of the board of ACLU-NC in 2011.