Examples of California Students Successfully Challenging Violations of Their Free Speech Rights

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close up photo of a young Black person's hairstyle

Students Challenge Removal of Pro-LGBTQ Yearbook Quotes

Two high school seniors had their pro-LGBTQ yearbook quotes removed from their senior yearbook by an adult adviser who wrongly deemed them “political” and “sexual” in nature.

Outcome: The ACLU filed a lawsuit against the district and school administrators on behalf of the two students, arguing that the school's censorship was in violation of the student's free speech rights and right to be free of anti-LGBTQ bias in California schools. As a result, the school district agreed to reinsert students’ yearbook quotes in the High School Yearbook.

Native Student Fights for Right to Wear Eagle Feather at High School Graduation

A Native American graduating senior was denied permission by district officials to wear a small eagle feather on his graduation cap during the ceremony. The school district denied the student’s request despite state and federal laws that protect freedom of expression and recognize the religious significance of eagle feathers for Native Americans.

Outcome: The student’s family sought the help of the ACLU, who sent a formal letter to the district. The district again refused to accommodate the request. The ACLU filed an emergency lawsuit. A hearing was set, but by that time the student and the District had entered into a settlement agreement that allowed the student to wear the eagle feather during the graduation ceremony. 

LGBTQ Identifying Student Challenges Censorship of Her Pro-LGBTQ Shirt 

A student was sent home after wearing a shirt to school that read  “Nobody Knows I’m a Lesbian.” The student was called into the vice principal’s office and told that she couldn’t display her personal beliefs on a T-shirt. The administration claimed the shirt was “disruptive,” “sexually suggestive,” and “degrades religious values.” The student was sent home despite California state law which mandates discussions of LGBT issues and people in the classroom.

Outcome: ACLU Foundation of Northern California filed a lawsuit on behalf of the student. The resulting settlement allows the student to wear her shirt without the threat of punishment or retaliation. It also updates the dress code district-wide to make it clear that students can express their own identity and their support for other students’ identities – including identities of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and other protected groups. The settlement also requires that District administrators attend professional development training to bring them up-to-date on their duty to protect free speech. 

School Board Called on to Revise Discriminatory Dress Code

A school district’s dress code banned long hair and earrings for male students, “exotic clothing and makeup,” hairstyles that “cause undue attention,” and beards. All of which enable bias against students of color, transgender, and gender-nonconforming students.

Outcome: Linnea..

ACLU Demands School Stop Censoring Black Lives Matter After Teacher Destroys Black Lives Matter Posters

A parent and frequent volunteer was banned from speaking at a school after she taught a class that encouraged students to create art about a cause they cared about. After the class, another teacher singled out and destroyed the Black Lives Matter posters that were created in the class. The school principal backed the teacher’s actions, calling the art and student’s message of support for Black lives “inappropriate.”

Outcome:  Linnea…

A 14-year-old Black Boy was Disciplined and Excluded from Class for His Haircut

A 14-year-old Black student was sent home from school because his haircut was deemed “distracting” by school officials. The student was excluded from class and critical learning time until his mother could get him an appointment for a haircut to have his hairstyle changed. 

Outcome: The student’s family sought the help of the ACLU, who worked with the district for a resolution. The district implemented a new dress code that removed ambiguous language and minimized restrictions on students' clothing and hair.