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detention center




Action Taken With Whom Still Needed Agency Response/Status How This links to a Current Campaign/Priority pre-COVID19

[CJ] Unsafe conditions in county jails

Take steps to protect health in jails and encourage release

Initial letters sent to the sheriffs and courts of Alameda, Contra Costa, Sacramento, and Fresno asking for them to reduce the jail populations and take precautionary measures for those who remain inside


[CJ] Unsafe conditions in prisons


CJ] Stopping flow of people into unsafe county jails and prisons 


[DCE] Court closures


[DCE] Brown Act restrictions overall


[DCE] Access to gov. Meetings about COVID-19 and otherwise during social distancing - many cities and counties doing alt access to meetings like live stream and emailed or online questions/comments to be read at meetings


[DCE-VOTING RIGHTS] Protecting Voter Access


[GSRJ] Telehealth


[GSRJ] Abortion Access


[GSRJ] Reproductive Health for Incarcerated People 


[GSRJ] Paid sick days for workers


[RSGJ] Paid leave during school closures


[GSRJ] Ensuring abortion is categorized as essential healthcare


[IR] Unsafe conditions in ICE facilities


[IR] Stopping flow of people into unsafe ICE facilities


[REJ] Stopping evictions


REJ] Stopping utility shut offs


[REJ] Stopping housing encampment sweeps


[REJ] Encouraging Support for Unhoused


[REJ] Helping workers laid off or w/o work


[REJ] Health conditions for workers who have to work


[REJ] Jump-start/reengage CA Single-payer healthcare advocacy


[REJ] Unsafe conditions in homeless shelters & hygiene for homeless people


[REJ - ED] Educational access for most vulnerable students: alt instruction access, food, childcare


80% of schools are closed; approx 5 mil students


[TCL] Stop government and companies from using this crisis as an excuse to build/sell long-term, dangerous surveillance infrastructure like  face surveillance, drones, cameras. 

Surveillance that disproportionately impacts already over-policed and poor communities and black and brown people