ACLU of California Statement on the Governor’s Executive Order on the November General Election

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SACRAMENTO – Today, Governor Newsom issued an executive order to ensure that Californians can exercise their right to vote in a safe, secure and accessible manner during the upcoming election.

In response to this action, Christina Fletes-Romo, Voting Rights Attorney at the ACLU of California, said:

We applaud Governor Newsom for taking decisive action to ensure Californians have access to in-person voting locations and reaffirming his commitment to ensuring every registered voter receives a vote-by-mail ballot.

In-person voting locations provide critical services to voters in underrepresented communities – with accessible voting machines, voting materials and support in non-English languages, and same day registration. A healthy California must provide for a healthy democracy, inclusive of all voices – especially voters of color, younger voters, voters with limited English proficiency, people with disabilities, people with lower incomes, and voters who are unhoused or housing insecure. By requiring a statewide baseline for in-person voting locations and early voting, Governor Newsom’s order will help ensure access to democracy this November will not come down to which county a voter lives in.

We know there are challenges ahead, but we look forward to working with the state legislature to further strengthen the protections in this executive order, as well as with state and local elections officials to ensure meaningful implementation and robust public education to inform voters of these measures for the November Election.

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