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Our lawyers and advocates are among the nation's leading experts on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms. Read the latest on the ACLU of Northern California’s work. To schedule a press interview, call (415) 621-2493 or contact press@aclunc.org.

ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Report: California’s War on Unhoused People

Oct 26, 2021
The report spotlights the discriminatory tactics that cities throughout California have instituted to target unhoused people, ignoring the bedrock principle of equal treatment under the law. It calls upon communities to amend anti-discrimination laws to include unhoused people and acknowledge their fundamental human rights.   Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Demands Information from Tulare County Officials About Cause of Covid-19 Jail Outbreak, Extent of Sheriff's Response

Oct 19, 2021
The ACLU of Northern California (ACLU NorCal) submitted a California Public Records Act Request (PRA) to the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office to demand documentation of the sheriff’s response to the developing Covid-19 outbreak at the Bob Wiley Detention Facility. ACLU NorCal and co-counsel Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP represent plaintiffs in Criswell v. Boudreaux, an ongoing class action lawsuit agai... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Black, English Learners and Disabled Students, Denied Constitutional Right to Public Education, Lawsuit Charges

Sep 13, 2021
The ACLU of Northern California and our legal partners filed a lawsuit against the state of California and Pittsburg Unified School District for allegedly maintaining an illegal educational system where Black students, children of color with disabilities and English learners have been segregated in substandard learning environments, excluded from classrooms altogether through the use of unwarrante... Read More
breaking news

California Supreme Court Rules that the State Must Address the Prolonged Detention in County Jails of Defendants Deemed Incompetent to Stand Trial

Aug 25, 2021
The California Supreme Court denied the state of California’s request for review of a Court of Appeal ruling in Stiavetti v. Clendenin, handing down a major victory for the thousands of people who languish in California county jails every year because they have been deemed incompetent to stand trial without adequate treatment for their psychiatric or intellectual disabilities. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU: Vote No on Governor Recall

Jul 29, 2021
The ACLU of Northern California, ACLU of Southern California and ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties, and the board chair of ACLU California Action issued a joint statement in strong opposition to the gubernatorial recall. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Civil Rights Organizations Sue Mountain View Over RV Parking Ban

Jul 14, 2021
The Law Foundation of Silicon Valley, the ACLU Foundation of Northern California, and Disability Rights Advocates joined with pro bono partners Hewlett Packard Enterprise and King & Spalding to file a lawsuit today against the City of Mountain View on behalf of Mountain View residents who live in RVs and oversized vehicles. The class-action lawsuit aims to strike down a law that effectively bans R... Read More
ACLU NorCal Breaking News

ACLU Joins Legal Team Defending Sacramento City Councilmember’s Representative Against Restraining Orders Sought by City Officials

Jul 07, 2021
In a case with important First Amendment implications, the ACLU Foundation of Northern California has joined the legal team defending the free speech rights of a Sacramento City Councilmember’s representative, Skyler Henry. City officials have sought restraining orders against Henry, alleging that his critical comments of government officials constitute threats to the safety of city staff. Read More