dissent is patriotic signs


Our lawyers and advocates are among the nation's leading experts on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms. Read the latest on the ACLU of Northern California’s work. To schedule a press interview, call (415) 621-2493 or contact press@aclunc.org.

ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Challenges Unconstitutional Round Up of Union City High School Students

May 18, 2005
The ACLU of Northern California filed a class action lawsuit today challenging the unlawful round up of approximately 60 students at James Logan High School in Union City on February 22, 2002. The students were illegally rounded up, detained for up to two hours, searched, interrogated and photographed by Union City police officers and school officials. The information gathered from the students ap... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Victory for Students, Parents and Civil Liberties Groups - Company Announces it will End Tracking Pilot Program

Feb 16, 2005
The Sutter-based company InCom announced last night, at a packed special school district meeting, that it would end its pilot program that required students to wear radio frequency identification badges that tracked the student's movements. The company pulled out when parents and civil liberties groups mobilized to end the program. On February 7, the ACLU of Northern California, Electronic Frontie... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Supreme Court to Review Case Affecting Internet Users

Apr 06, 2004
San Francisco - The California Supreme Court on Wednesday voted 7-0 to grant review of a case involving the issue of whether a 1996 federal law protects individuals from civil liability for re-posting a third-party’s statements on the Internet. The Supreme Court’s decision to review this significant issue will affect the free speech rights of Internet users.In the case of Barrett v. Rosenthal... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU and Fresno Residents Seek FBI Records Regarding Infiltration of Local Community Group

Jan 29, 2004
The ACLU of Northern California and members of a Fresno peace group filed requests today under the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act seeking information about the government’s infiltration of a local peace group. The requests were filed with the offices of the FBI and U.S. Attorney, who maintain a Joint Terrorism Task Force with local law enforcement agencies in the Fresno area. Read More