Know Your Rights: Student Rights
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In California, public school students have rights to protect their ability to access their education. These rights can protect you in different ways, from keeping you safe against bullying to ensuring you have access to resources at school if you and your family become unhoused. Visit the ACLU's My School My Rights website to learn more about these rights and what you can do to protect your rights if your school violates them.
Visit www.myschoolmyrights.com to find information about:
- Civil Rights and Civil Liberties:
- School dress codes and uniforms
- Student expression
- Searches of students
- Cell phone privacy
- Social media rights
- Student protests and policial speech
- Arts education
- Health and Mental Health:
- Pregnant and parenting students
- Sex education
- Student health rights
- Student mental health rights
- Feel Safe and Be Yourself:
- Harassment and bullying
- LGBTQ student rights
- Student disability rights
- Tribal, cultural, and religious objects at graduation
- Your Rights as a ____ Student:
- Immigration and students
- Foster youth student rights
- Students experiencing homelessness
- What to Do if You Get in Trouble:
- School discipline
- Police in schools
- How to enforce your rights and file complaints with your school or the Office for Civil Rights
The information about students’ and families’ rights apply to California’s traditional public schools (unless stated otherwise) and is available in English, Spanish, and Mandarin.