ACLU v. Visalia Unified (Discrimination at School)

Active Case
Dec 03, 2018

On October 24, the ACLU Foundation of Northern California filed a discrimination complaint on behalf of Black students in the Visalia Unified School District who have faced ongoing racial hostility.

The complaint, filed with the Office for Civil Rights within the Department of Education, charges the district with violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by creating a racially hostile environment. Filed by Black students on behalf of themselves and other Black students in the district, it also cites racially disparate detention and suspension rates.

On November 11, the ACLU filed an amended complaint after hearing from more students and staff in the Visalia district. 

Read More:

ACLU Files Discrimination Complaint on behalf of Black Students at Visalia Unified (Oct. 24, 2018)

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