Navarro et al. v. City of Mountain View
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On July 14, 2021, the ACLU Foundation of Northern California, the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley, Disability Rights Advocates, King & Spalding LLP, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise filed a class action complaint against the City of Mountain View for enacting two ordinances that, together, severely restricted when and where “oversized vehicles” (OSVs) could park in the City.
The plaintiffs in the case were people who resided or sought to reside in an OSV in Mountain View. They alleged that by passing a “narrow streets ordinance” and a “bike lane ordinance,” the City sought to banish low-income residents whose life circumstances required them to live in their vehicles. The lawsuit alleged that the City was violating the rights of class members under the U.S. and California constitutions and statutes protecting persons with disabilities.
The parties reached a Settlement Agreement in the case, which was approved by the U.S. District Court. The Court also awarded the plaintiffs their attorney's fees.
Under the Agreement, the City agreed that for four years following the entry of final judgment in the case, the City would ensure that at least three miles of street segments were available for OSV parking. The City was required to develop a map that showed where OSV residents could lawfully park. The Agreement also established minimum notice requirements before an OSV could be towed, and gave enforcement officers the discretion to provide additional time or notification if the officer determined that there was good cause to do so. The Agreement also established a process for requesting reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities and a process for resolving disputes relating to citations.