Resistance, Retaliation, Repression: Two Years in California Immigration Detention

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Our new report, Resistance, Retaliation, Repression: Two Years in California Immigration Detention, analyzes hundreds of complaints filed by detained people through Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) grievance system. These grievances provide an extensive record of the inhumane conditions that immigrants inside the facilities have long fought to publicize, including hazardous facilities, medical neglect, harassment, sleep deprivation, abuse of solitary confinement, and sexual assault. 

Light blue background with black birds and white barbwire. On the left there are large, bold dark blue letters reading Resistance, Retaliation, Repression

The report's findings are also visualized in an interactive database. Originally released in 2023, the database organizes the grievances into subcategories, and provides information about each of the six immigration detention facilities in California, including their average daily population, and the value of their contract with ICE.  Copies of the grievances were either mailed to the ACLU directly by detained people, shared with the ACLU by other immigrant rights organizations, or obtained through our Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Screenshot of the immigration database. Includes bar graph and pie graph showing number of grievances

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