A public database to help ensure a robust implementation of California’s Racial Justice Act
San Mateo County
County Population - 764,442
American Indian and Alaska Native - 0.9%
Asian - 32.8%
Black or African American - 2.7%
Hispanic or Latino - 23.8%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander - 1.4%
White, Not Hispanic or Latino - 36.7
Two or More Races - 5.0%
White - 57.1%
Foreign Born Population %
San Mateo County, California - 35.2%
California - 26.7%
Poverty Rate
San Mateo, California - 7.2%
California - 12.2%
*Statistics from U.S. Census Bureau
District Attorney: Stephen M. Wagstaffe
Website: https://www.smcgov.org/da
DA Data Dashboard: https://data.smcgov.org/browse?category=Public+Safety
Records Requests Sent
Submit Your Own PRA
If you would like to submit your own request to the District Attorney for public records, you can write to them here. More information on how to submit a records request under the California Public Records Act is available here.
Email Address: da_info@smcgov.org; jcharles@smcgov.org
Where to send physical copy: 500 County Center, 3rd Floor, Redwood City, CA 94063