A public database to help ensure a robust implementation of California’s Racial Justice Act
Racial Justice Act
The Racial Justice Act is a California law that prohibits the State from pursuing convictions or sentences based upon race, ethnicity, or national origin. For the RJA to be effective, the public must be able to access policies and data from prosecutors. But this information — which should be readily available — is often difficult to obtain.
Since the law's enactment in 2020, the ACLU, with the support of BraunHagey & Borden LLP, has sought access to prosecutorial records that will ensure a robust implementation of the RJA. The records that we have received, and relevant analyses and court orders, are available here.
Displaying 925 - 930 of 4843 results
Policy or Training Materials
2019_Contra Costa County_Petty Cash Funds Policy.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This document is a policy document from Contra Costa County authored by Diana Becton, District Attorney. This one page policy document details the management and use of petty cash funds within the District Attorney's Office, including acceptable uses, documentation requirements, and handling procedures. This document is from March 1, 2019 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on August 24, 2021 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.
2020.03.10_Contra Costa County_Announcing the Racial Justice Act.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This document is a policy document from Contra Costa County authored by Diana Becton, District Attorney. This one page policy document details the management and use of petty cash funds within the District Attorney's Office, including acceptable uses, documentation requirements, and handling procedures. This document is from March 1, 2019 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on August 24, 2021 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.
2020.03_Contra Costa County_CDAA Legislative Meeting Addendum.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This document is an email communication from the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) with an agenda and meeting materials for a legislative meeting. This 10 page email includes discussion points on various bills and policies, including the Racial Justice Act, highlighting the legal and procedural changes proposed within the California legal system. This document is from March 11, 2020 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on March 31, 2022 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.
Policy or Training Materials
2020.04.30_Contra Costa County_CDAA Oppose List For Legislative Meeting.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This document is an email communication from the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) sent to the Contra Costa District Attorney's Office in advance of a legislative meeting held on April 30, 2020. This 28 page document includes as an attachment a list of legislative bills opposed by CDAA. The document includes notes on why each bill is opposed and the potential impacts on prosecution and law enforcement practices. This document is from April 30, 2020 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on March 31, 2022 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.
Policy or Training Materials
2020.08.21_Contra Costa County_Weekly Legislative Update.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This document is an email communication with a legislative update from Larry Morse of the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) to District Attorney Diana Becton. This 4 page email provides an overview of legislative activities and highlights concerns about the use of "gut and amend" strategies to push through legislation. It also mentions specific bills such as SB 1220 (Brady bill) and AB 3070 concerning peremptory challenges in jury selection.This document is from August 21, 2020 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on March 31, 2022 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.
2020.10.19_Contra Costa County_Racial Justice Act Digest.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This document is an email communication from the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) to the Contra Costa District Attorney's Office. This two page email focuses on AB 2542, the Racial Justice Act. It summarizes the bill's provisions and discusses the implications of the bill for legal practice and prosecutorial procedures. This document is from October 20, 2020 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on March 31, 2022 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.