A public database to help ensure a robust implementation of California’s Racial Justice Act
Racial Justice Act
The Racial Justice Act is a California law that prohibits the State from pursuing convictions or sentences based upon race, ethnicity, or national origin. For the RJA to be effective, the public must be able to access policies and data from prosecutors. But this information — which should be readily available — is often difficult to obtain.
Since the law's enactment in 2020, the ACLU, with the support of BraunHagey & Borden LLP, has sought access to prosecutorial records that will ensure a robust implementation of the RJA. The records that we have received, and relevant analyses and court orders, are available here.
Displaying 949 - 954 of 4843 results
2021.01.28_Contra Costa County_Racial Justice Digest.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This is an email communication via the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) listserv. This 2 page email provides an update on activities related to the Racial Justice Act. The digest includes a request for input on developing training on unconscious biases. This document is from January 28, 2021 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on March 31, 2022 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.
2021.01.29_Contra Costa County_Dillahunty Request for Discovery.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This is an internal email from the Contra Costa District Attorney's Office. This 4 page document circulates and requests feedback regarding a discovery request under the Racial Justice Act in the case of Gary Dillahunty. The request includes comprehensive data related to previous cases to demonstrate potential racial bias in charging and prosecution practices. This document is from January 29, 2021 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on March 31, 2022 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.
2021.01.29_Contra Costa County_Racial Justice Digest.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This is an email communication via the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) listserv. This 2 page email summarizes the latest discussions around the Racial Justice Act through a forum for legal professionals to share experiences and strategies. This document is from January 30, 2021 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on March 31, 2022 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.
2021.02.02_Contra Costa County_Insurance Fraud Unit Meeting.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This is an internal email from the Contra Costa District Attorney's Office. This 2 page email is a calendar invite for a Insurance Fraud Unit meeting. This meeting included updates including updates on various legislative measures such as the Racial Justice Act. This document is from February 2, 2021 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on March 31, 2022 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.
2021.02.04_Contra Costa County_Racial Justice Digest.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This is an email communication via the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) listserv. This 3 page email provides updates and insights on implementing the Racial Justice Act. It includes details about training sessions conducted by experts on bias and the role of prosecutors in combating systemic bias. This document is from February 4, 2021 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on March 31, 2022 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.
2021.02.05_Contra Costa County_Racial Justice Digest.pdf
Contra Costa County
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Office of the Contra Costa District Attorney
This is an email communication via the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) listserv. This 3 page email discusses collaboration across various counties to understand and implement the Racial Justice Act. It highlights efforts to form working groups that focus on data collection and bias elimination practices in prosecutorial processes. This document is from February 5, 2021 and was produced by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office on March 31, 2022 in response to a July 23, 2021 PRA request.