Racial Equity Resources

The ACLU NorCal development team recognizes and supports the interdependence of our communities by aligning fundraising practices with our goals for racial, economic, and social justice. We continue to fundraise for the ACLU, and we also use our opportunities and resources to build stronger movements—and we invite you to join us. We welcome you to learn alongside us about how inequity manifests—currently as well as historically—and about steps we each can take to realize our country’s founding promises of freedom and justice for all:

  • Build your understanding for this work: Taking informed action requires an understanding of structural racism, its roots, and the ways it's perpetuated today.
  • Give to BIPOC-led organizations: Support organizations that are led by and focused on those most directly impacted by structural racism, and therefore uniquely qualified to address it. The following are among ACLU NorCal’s key partner organizations:


  • In the words of the late Rep. John Lewis, make “good trouble”: Whether it’s calling your legislators to support transformative policies, phone banking to help turn out the vote, joining your local ACLU chapter, or getting involved with community-based organizations, there are many ways to put your learnings, power, and privilege into action.