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shackled prisoners (staged at a protest in front of SF Federal Building)

Sleep-Deprived + Hungry + Degraded = Fair Hearing?

Jul 02, 2014
While immigration detention is supposed to be “civil” detention, as opposed to incarceration as punishment for a crime, the conditions that immigrants experience are anything but civil. People detained by ICE are bused daily to immigration court wearing jumpsuits and metal handcuffs, belly chains, and leg irons in San Francisco. Read More

Corporations Can’t Go to Church, but They Can Go to Court

Jul 03, 2014
This week’s unprecedented Hobby Lobby decision deserves the widespread criticism it has attracted: the Supreme Court decreed that corporations, which lack souls, have religious beliefs; even more jaw-dropping, it decreed that those anthropomorphic beliefs trump workers’ health, reproductive choices and equality. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Wrestles With Separation of Church and State

Jul 07, 2014
Calaveras County Board of Supervisors passed a law to praise a local organization not just for its work in the community but also for its mission of “inviting” women in the community to “see for themselves the many blessings that can come from living the teachings of Christ.” They also failed to allow community members - many of whom were at the meeting to oppose this resolution - to speak out abo... Read More
SAR photo

Lawsuit Challenges Government’s ‘Suspicious Activity Report’ Program

Jul 10, 2014
Civil rights groups filed a lawsuit today on behalf of five Americans who had their information entered into federal law enforcement databases for innocent things like taking pictures, buying computers, or standing in a train station, and were then subjected to investigation. The American Civil Liberties Union of California, the national ACLU, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Asian Law Caucus... Read More

Why ENDA Doesn’t Cut It for the ACLU

Jul 11, 2014
One year ago Matthew Barrett was offered a job as a food services director at Fontbonne Academy, a college prep high school in Milton, Mass. With 20 years of work in the food services industry, Matthew was clearly well qualified. Read More

The Sacramento County Airport and the California Endowment

Jul 11, 2014
The Sacramento International Airport features a wide range of amenities including various restaurants and shops, art displays, and a massage bar. The airport also rents scores of display cases for advertising throughout the terminals, including both static and multi-media displays. One of the advertisement cases is rented by the California Endowment, a non-profit foundation that seeks to expa... Read More