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ACLU of Northern CA

Summer 2014 ACLU News

Aug 20, 2014
Download the Summer 2014 ACLU of Northern California Newsletter and read about our latest events and initiatives. Read More
drone flying over house

Police Drones? Get a Warrant.

Aug 27, 2014
Get a warrant -- that’s what I would say if the police showed up at my door asking to look around. Why? Because it’s my right. It’s one of the core principles that this country was founded on: the government, including local police, can’t come into my home unless they prove to a judge that they have a real reason to invade my privacy.If police want to search your house, they need to get a warrant.... Read More
Bay Area Rapid Transit Police logo

No Privacy Policy for New BART App - Now That’s A Suspicious Activity

Sep 10, 2014
“BART Watch" is a new app designed to encourage users to report suspicious activities. But we’re calling out this app for its own suspicious activities - having no privacy policy that explains the sensitive information it collects and may be sharing with others, and for encouraging people to file potentially spurious complaints about innocent residents. Read More
Blog author Gil Garcetti

Support for California’s Death Penalty is in Rapid Decline

Sep 12, 2014
As the former District Attorney of Los Angeles County, a county that sends more people to death row than the entire state of Texas, I know that the death penalty is deeply emotional, highly divisive, and very political. However, both sides of the death penalty debate can agree on one thing: California’s death penalty system is broken beyond repair. Read More
Scales of Justice

Helping Innocent People Who Are Wrongly Imprisoned

Sep 12, 2014
Last week, two men who had been sentenced to death 30 years ago were proven innocent by DNA testing. Henry Lee McCollum and Leon Brown were teenagers when they were wrongly accused of the brutal rape and murder of a child in North Carolina. One of the most shocking parts of the story is that prosecutors hid evidence that linked a convicted rapist to the murder, a man who went on to kill another ch... Read More
Federal Communications Commission logo

Documents Suggest Maker of Controversial Surveillance Tool Misled the FCC

Sep 17, 2014
New documents obtained by the ACLU of Northern California appear to show the Florida-based Harris Corporation misleading the Federal Communications Commission while seeking authorization to sell its line of Stingray cell phone surveillance gear to state and local police. The documents raise the possibility that federal regulatory approval of the technology was based on bad information. The ACLU to... Read More