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Asylum-seeker's family

10 Days Later

Jul 08, 2015
By the time Credy Madrid Calderon fled Honduras and sought asylum in the United States, he had been threatened, shot at and severely beaten by local gangs. Arriving in the United States, however, did not mean sanctuary for Credy. Instead of being reunited with his wife and children, all U.S. citizens, Credy found himself in an immigration jail. He waited there for months, uncertain of whether he w... Read More
SF Pride 2013
KYR Resource

Know Your Rights: Same-Sex Marriage

Jul 09, 2015
Practical information for same-sex couples who are considering getting married in California. For legal advice concerning your individual case, please consult an attorney. Read More
Photo: Betsy Scheider

VICTORY! Federal Judge Deep-Sixes Arizona’s Ridiculously Overbroad ‘Nude Photo’ Law

Jul 10, 2015
Arizona is a little bit freer today.With a federal court’s approval, we successfully settled our lawsuit over the state law that made our clients — booksellers, photographers, publishers, and librarians — risk a felony record for publishing images fully protected by the First Amendment. The plaintiffs in the case can now do their important work delivering newsworthy, artistic, and histor... Read More

San Francisco Needs to Take a Closer Look at Its Body Camera Plan

Jul 13, 2015
San Francisco, like many local communities, is considering the use of police body worn cameras, and the Board of Supervisors recently allocated $6.6 million for their purchase pending approval of a use policy. But for body cameras to deliver on their promise of accountability and promote public trust, there must be transparency and public trust in both the process that leads to a decision to adopt... Read More
Constitution + gavel

What Went Wrong with the Case of Francisco Lopez-Sanchez

Jul 14, 2015
The tragic shooting of Kate Steinle in San Francisco has focused national attention on why her accused assailant, Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, was released from the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department’s custody in April and not deported. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and others have rushed to cast blame on the sheriff’s department for Ms. Steinle’s death. But this horrible and apparently ran... Read More
Gavel coins

ACLU Sues Over Failing Public Defense System in Fresno County, California

Jul 15, 2015
The American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, the ACLU’s Criminal Law Reform Project, and the law firm Paul Hastings LLP filed a lawsuit against Fresno County and the state of California, seeking an overhaul of the county’s deficient public defense system. Because public defenders do not receive the resources necessary to represent their clients, thousands of Fresno County residents a... Read More
Economic Justice

Constitutional Fail: Fresno County's Public Defense System is Broken

Jul 21, 2015
While the criminal justice system’s primary aim is to further public safety, all too often it is co-opted to perpetuate the history of racial inequality and economic injustice in the United States. Conscious and unconscious racial bias can impact every part of the criminal justice system, from initial stops and arrests, to bail decisions, charging practices, plea bargaining, sentencing, and time i... Read More
Blue Ribbon Commission on Marijuana Policy - Photo: Howard K. Watkins

Pathways Report: Policy Options for Regulating Marijuana in California

Jul 21, 2015
The question of whether or not California should legalize adult use of marijuana beyond medical purposes is gaining increased attention by voters and policymakers in California. Four states and the District of Columbia have voted to legalize recreational marijuana use, and each offers important lessons for California. But there are circumstances that are unique to our state that must be thoughtful... Read More
Marijuana Policy Forum

Pathways Report: Policy Options for Regulating Marijuana in California

Jul 21, 2015
Executive summary The question of whether or not California should legalize adult use of marijuana beyond medical purposes is gaining increased attention by voters and policymakers in California. Four states and the District of Columbia have voted to legalize recreational marijuana use, and each offers important lessons for California. But there are circumstances that are unique to our state th... Read More
The Confederate battle flag flies above the South Carolina capitol grounds in July 2012.

Why Texas Is Wrong and South Carolina Is Right on the Confederate Flag

Jul 22, 2015
This piece originally appeared at PostEverything on ACLU joined calls this month for the state of South Carolina to unhook the “Southern Cross”—a Confederate battle flag—from the flagpole at the state capitol and permanently remove the flag from the seat of its government. When the flag came down, we applauded. South Carolina, its governor, legislatu... Read More