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ACLU of Northern CA

Summer 2016 ACLU News

Jul 07, 2016
Download the Summer 2016 ACLU of Northern California Newsletter and read about our latest events and initiatives. Read More

#FreedomNow: Global Call to Action 7.21

Jul 20, 2016
We support the Movement for Black Lives and the collective #FreedomNow actions taking place globally on Thursday, July 21. Join us at a protest or take these online actions to show your support. Read More
#SafetyIs by Micah Bazant

What Does Safety Mean to You?

Aug 02, 2016
Every year on the first Tuesday of August, the National Association of Neighborhood Watch sponsors a “National Night Out.” The tenor of these events usually reinforce the idea that neighborhood watch and police-community partnerships are the pathway to public safety.But public safety, at its best, isn’t about watching your neighbors. It’s not about expanding police departments. So far in... Read More