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Trump Waving

How Not to Respond to the New York Attack

Nov 01, 2017

Eight people were killed and nearly a dozen more injured yesterday when a man drove into the bike lane of a street in Lower Manhattan. Instead of expressing unity and resilience, Trump took to Twitter to further his nativist agenda, calling for entire Muslim and immigrant communities to be punished and for some of the worst national security policies of recent years to be revived. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Nov 03, 2017
Q. What is the difference between giving to the Union and the Foundation?You can defend and advance civil liberties by donation to either the ACLU of Northern CA (Union) or the ACLU Foundation of Northern CA (Foundation).ACLU of Northern CA: Gifts to the ACLU allow us the greatest flexibility in our work. While not tax deductible, they advance our extensive litigation, communications and public ed... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Taylor Swift Attempts to Silence Critic, ACLU Fires Back

Nov 03, 2017
San Francisco — The ACLU of Northern California today sent a letter to Taylor Swift and her attorney refuting their meritless legal defamation threats against a local blogger.On Sep. 5, PopFront editor Meghan Herning wrote a post titled “Swiftly to the alt-right: Taylor subtly gets the lower case kkk in formation.” The post is a mix of political speech and critical commentary, and discusses the re... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Statement on Visalia Unified School District’s Proposed Changes to Dress Code

Nov 07, 2017
The ACLU of Northern California, Brianna Smith, a Visalia student activist, and ACT for Women and Girls based in Visalia, CA, are submitting public comments today regarding Visalia Unified School District’s proposed changes to the dress code banning “hate group” clothing being considered this evening by the School Board. ACLU Attorney Abre’ Conner, Brianna Smith, and students with ACT for Women an... Read More
report cover

Making Smart Decisions About Smart Cities

Nov 13, 2017
“Smart city” products are often touted as cost-efficient solutions to providing government services and addressing societal challenges, but in reality, these technologies are no more intelligent than the data and algorithms behind them. Like other tools, their effectiveness depends on when, where and how they are used. These technologies can cause real harm to people—they have the power to exacerb... Read More