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ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU of Northern California Statement on Increased ICE Activity

Feb 27, 2018
Increased ICE activity has been reported throughout the Bay Area, the Central Coast, and in the Central Valley. Local rapid response hotlines have confirmed that ICE has arrested at least 37 people over the past few days in cities including Monterey, Oakland, Fresno, Napa, San Francisco, Sacramento, Santa Clara, and Salinas.Contrary to statements provided by ICE, agents are aggressively intimidati... Read More
airport protest

Muslim Ban Timeline

Feb 28, 2018
In January 2017, Trump issued his first Muslim ban, an unconstitutional executive order which sent countless lives into disarray. What happened next? Read More
vote by mail

La Follette v. Padilla (CA Vote-By-Mail Signature Match)

Mar 05, 2018
45,000 ballots were discarded - without notice - in California's November 2016 election. This ACLU Foundation of Northern California lawsuit asks that future voters be given an opportunity to fix any signature match problems before their votes are thrown away. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Judge Rules State Must Fix Faulty Signature Law

Mar 06, 2018
San Francisco, CA — A San Francisco judge has held that California elections officials must notify voters before rejecting their mail-in ballots over signature concerns.State law was allowing elections officials — who may not be handwriting experts — to reject vote-by-mail ballots if they felt the signature on the ballot envelope didn’t match the signature on file for the voter, without givin... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU of California Statement on Trump Administration's Lawsuit Against California

Mar 07, 2018
The following statement can be attributed to Jennie Pasquarella, director of immigrants’ rights for the ACLU of California, in regards to the Trump administration's lawsuit against the State of California over its recently enacted laws: Senate Bill 54 (the California Values Act), Assembly Bill 450 (the Immigrant Worker Protection Act), and Assembly Bill 103.This lawsuit is just the Trump admi... Read More
hair with lines cut in

Cultural Incompetence: My Son was Kicked out of Class Because of His Hair

Mar 08, 2018
When my son recently brought home a certificate for making honor roll at his middle school, I was so proud. That quickly faded the next day when I received several calls from my child informing me that he had been pulled out of class. Because of his hair.My 14-year-old son’s Tenaya Middle School teacher sent him to the vice principal for his hairstyle on a Friday. He was told he had to get it “fix... Read More