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various religious symbols

Lavagetto v. Calaveras County (Religious Freedom)

Mar 10, 2015
The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors violated the California Constitution’s requirement that the government remain neutral on matters of religion when it passed a resolution recognizing a local Christian ministry for, among other things, its “advocacy and education” “to enlighten and strengthen the lives of women and young women in Calaveras County by inviting them to test and see for themsel... Read More
Blue Ribbon Commission on Marijuana Policy

Expert Panel Releases Initial Marijuana Policy Report, Announces Public Phase

Mar 26, 2015
San Francisco – An initial progress report released today by the Blue Ribbon Commission on Marijuana Policy, chaired by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, identifies three key issues related to the possibility of legalizing, taxing and regulating marijuana for adults to which the commission has devoted significant research and analysis during the past 18 months.The report's release also signals the beginning ... Read More