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Hilary Clinton

Hillary: It's Important to Say “Black Lives Matter”

Jun 25, 2015
This past Tuesday, Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gave a speech at a historic black church in Missouri, speaking on issues surrounding institutionalized racism in the aftermath of the Charleston, S.C. shooting. In talking about these issues, ones that specifically affect black and brown lives, Hillary chose to use the phrase “all lives matter.” We could almost hear the collective ... Read More
Love wins - US Supreme Court

A Mostly Blissful Marriage State of the Union

Jun 30, 2015
Unless you've been hiding under a rock or got lost under a mountain of glitter, you know that on Friday the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that same-sex couples looking to tie the knot may do so in all 50 states. I was proud to stand on the steps of the Supreme Court with our clients as the decision came down, marking the victorious culmination of a 45-year battle towards marriage equality. Read More
death dying bed

The Death Penalty Has an Innocence Problem — and Its Days Are Numbered

Jul 01, 2015
The demise of the death penalty is upon us. While the Supreme Court ruled this week to allow the continued use of a controversial lethal injection drug, Justice Stephen Breyer’s sweeping dissent invited the nation to question capital punishment’s constitutionality. If you have any doubt about the answer, just ask Henry McCollum or Paul House. Read More
Freddie Gray died while in police custody in Baltimore.

California Shouldn't Lag on Police Reform

Jul 02, 2015
Brutality takes many forms. One kind takes your life away, another leaves your body broken. Perhaps the most insidious kind seeks you out and makes you feel terrified, harassed, unsafe, unprotected, as though people see you as a threat through no fault of your own. Read More
Aaron Harvey - photo by Martha Winnacker

Racial Profiling Bill Moves Forward in California Legislature

Jul 07, 2015
Today Assembly Bill 953, Law Enforcement: Racial Profiling, made it out of the Senate Committee on Public Safety. AB 953, one of over 20 police reform laws proposed this year, was introduced by Assemblymember Shirley Weber (D-San Diego) to curb racial and identity profiling in California. Read More
Photo: Otto Yamamoto

New Bill Would Force Companies to Report "Terrorist Activity" to the Government

Jul 07, 2015
If there’s one thing the First Amendment stands for, it’s that vigorous debate about the issues of the day—even, and perhaps especially, uncomfortable debate about things like racism or terrorism—should be free from government interference. Tragically, that principle has been betrayed repeatedly over the past decade and a half, as law enforcement agencies continue to single out individuals for scr... Read More
Photo by Sylvia McFadden/Flickr

Restoring Abortion Coverage and Achieving Reproductive Justice

Jul 08, 2015
With the introduction today of the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Woman Act, members of Congress declared not only that every woman who receives care or insurance through the federal government will have coverage for abortion services, but they also prohibited political interference with decisions by private health insurance companies to offer coverage for abortion care. Read More