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Abdi Soltani - photo by Jason Doiy

Executive Director Abdi Soltani Condemns Trump’s Discriminatory Immigration Ban

Jan 25, 2017
The ACLU of California condemns the anti-immigrant actions taken this week by President Donald Trump. >> Contact us re: SFO, OAK, SJO, FAT airport arrivals affected by Trump's executive order  On behalf of the ACLU of Northern California, I oppose today’s executive order banning entry to the United States from Muslim-majority and Middle Eastern nations in the strongest possibl... Read More
Donald Trump

ACLU of California Statement on Trump Administration’s Discriminatory Executive Orders

Jan 25, 2017
Today, President Trump and his new administration confirmed the institution of draconian, punitive, and discriminatory immigration policies that ignore the lessons of the last 30 years of immigration policy and betray our most basic values as a state and as a nation. These policies not only signal widespread violation of the rights of immigrants and citizens, but will waste resources, drive fear i... Read More

ACLU of Northern California Contact Info for SFO, OAK, SJO, or FAT Arrivals Affected by Executive Order

Jan 28, 2017
The ACLU of Northern California is asking that people who have been expecting visitors to arrive at SFO, OAK, SJO, or FAT from one of the seven countries in yesterday’s executive order – Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen – and have not heard from their visitors or have heard that their visitors have arrived and been detained or denied entry to please contact us at one of our two ... Read More

Racist Executive Orders – Then and Now #ACLUTimeMachine

Feb 01, 2017
It was 75 years ago that President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 which began the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. Tens of thousands of American citizens were declared dangerous to domestic security and forced to go to internment camps in isolated areas across the Western United States.It’s a time that holds special meaning here at the ACLU of Northern Ca... Read More
A family at a rally. A girl sits on her father's shoulders, holding an American flag. Her mother stands next to them.

We're Very Grateful for Your Support... Now Let's Build a Movement

Feb 01, 2017
Last weekend, I was flooded by email and text messages from people contacting me both for legal help for their families stranded at airports and from people contacting me to find out how they can help. Being Iranian-American and working at the ACLU, the incoming messages came from both those worlds that are integral to my life.As we roll up our sleeves for the work ahead, I want to thank the count... Read More
People protest against Trump's Muslim ban at the airport

ACLU of Northern California Files Demands for Documents on Implementation of Trump’s Muslim Ban

Feb 02, 2017
The American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California filed a Freedom of Information Act request today with its local U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) office to expose how Trump administration officials are interpreting and executing the president’s Muslim ban, acting in violation of federal courts that ordered a stay on the ban’s implementation. The filing today is part of a coordinat... Read More
Sign in a crowd protesting the ban at SFO airport reads, "We stand with Muslim travelers"

Roe 1 v. Trump (Muslim Ban)

Feb 02, 2017
The ACLU Foundation of Northern California sued President Donald J. Trump, the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection for establishing and enforcing an unconstitutional and discriminatory Muslim ban. Read More