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Plaintiff James "Faygo" Clark sits by a Sacramento street corner with a sign and his dog.

Lawsuit Charges that Sacramento’s Anti-Panhandling Ordinance is Unconstitutional

Apr 27, 2018
Today, Legal Services of Northern California and the ACLU Foundation of Northern California asked a federal judge to immediately halt enforcement of an expansive anti-solicitation ordinance adopted by the Sacramento City Council.A motion for preliminary injunction was filed this morning on behalf of the Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness, the Sacramento Homeless Organizing Committee... Read More
Excerpt from our letter on behalf of Ms. Rossi

We Take Baseless Defamation Accusations Seriously. Here’s Why.

May 03, 2018
The ACLU Foundation of Northern California is committed to fighting against spurious legal claims that threaten free speech. Especially when corporations and other powerful entities attempt to strong-arm people who have less resources at their disposal. This is exactly what happened to Claudia Rossi, a Bay Area school-board member and trustee, when she raised concerns about a private charter ... Read More