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No on Prop 24

Californians Should Vote No on Prop 24

Oct 16, 2020
​​​​​​​Proposition 24 won’t strengthen privacy rights for Californians. Instead, it will undermine protections in current law and increase the burden on people to protect themselves—in ways that will disproportionately harm poor people and people of color. Please vote NO on Prop 24. Read More
Tus Derechos Ante la Policía
KYR Resource

Tus Derechos Ante la Policía

Oct 16, 2020
Encuentros con agentes del orden publico pueden ser alarmantes y estresantes ya que todos hemos tenido diferentes experiencias con ellos (algunas de ellas no siempre son justas o legales). Hemos creado esta guía para darte información práctica que te podría ayudar a evitar problemas o situaciones que podrían ser peligrosas. En esta guía encontraras frases clave que puedes repetir para demostrar qu... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Advocates Challenge Woman’s Wrongful Imprisonment for Stillbirth

Oct 21, 2020
Today, attorneys representing Adora Perez, a woman charged with murder for a stillbirth, filed a motion in the California Court of Appeal, arguing that she cannot be charged with murder for a pregnancy outcome. The ACLU of Northern California and Drug Policy Alliance filed amicus briefs in support. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Releases Report on Troubling Disparities in Education Outcomes for Indigenous Students in Humboldt County

Oct 27, 2020
Today, the ACLU Foundation of Northern of California released Failing Grade: The Status of Native American Education in Humboldt County, a report revealing vast and troubling disparities in education outcomes for Indigenous students in Humboldt County. The report exposes a system that fails Native American students by not providing the skills they need to succeed in school and the workforce. Read More
A graphic from the cover page of our report "Failing Grade: The Status of Native American Education in Humboldt County"

Failing Grade: The Status of Native American Education in Humboldt County

Oct 27, 2020
Today, Native American students throughout California continue to face disproportionately higher rates of exclusionary discipline, chronic absenteeism, and lower academic outcomes than their nonIndigenous peers. In Humboldt County, home to nearly twenty times more Indigenous students than the statewide average, these disparities are egregious. Read More
a woman with a megaphone and raised fist
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Beyond the election: Organizing after the vote

Nov 02, 2020
Join the ACLU NorCal staff and experts for accurate information about election results and opportunities to take action in the wake of this critical election. Please check back on this page for more updates. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU of Northern California Statement on Prop. 24

Nov 04, 2020
Proposition 24 appears to have passed, despite its deep flaws, and sends a clear message from California voters to the California legislature that they expect and demand action to protect their privacy and safeguard their fundamental privacy rights. Read More