Search Results

ACLU of Northern CA

Keeping "Your World" Private: Turning off Google's New Private Search Results

Jan 10, 2012
Want to keep your information private now that Google has started rolling out "Search, plus Your World," a new search results format? For those signed-in with a Google account, the new feature combines search results from the public web plus private information and photos you have shared (or have been shared with you) through Google+ or Picasa.There are privacy implications with these expanded sea... Read More

Proposed Law Would Restore Local Control Over Intelligence Gathering

Jan 25, 2012
Supervisor Jane Kim introduced legislation before the Board of Supervisors today that would prohibit members of the San Francisco Police Department working with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) from collecting intelligence on San Franciscans unless there is reasonable suspicion that they are involved in significant criminal activity. Read More
Every Vote Counts

Every Vote Counts: Realignment & Felony Disenfranchisement

Feb 08, 2012
The right to vote is a fundamental right and all eligible individuals must be allowed to exercise their right. The California Constitution disenfranchises individuals on the basis of criminal conviction only if they are "imprisoned in state prison or...on parole as a result of the conviction of a felony." League of Women Voters of California v. McPherson, 145 Cal. App. 4th 1469 at 1486 (2006).Afte... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Exploring the "Right to Be Forgotten"

Feb 09, 2012
I'm heading to Palo Alto tomorrow for the Stanford Technology Law Review's symposium and looking forward to the first panel of the day, Taking Forgetting Seriously.The question of whether an individual should have the right to demand that organizations delete their data is getting a lot of increased attention, particularly in the European Union. In late January, EU Justice Justice Commissioner Viv... Read More

Marijuana Law Reform: Fair and Just Policy

Feb 14, 2012
The war on drugs has failed, and people are ready for a change. The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world. One in every 31 adults is on probation, in jail or in prison. FBI figures show that over 800,000 people in the U.S. are arrested for marijuana offenses each year. The vast majority of these arrests are for low-level, nonviolent simple possession offenses. Read More
Police at UC Davis - via

Students Sue UC Davis for Constitutional Violations Over Pepper-Spraying Incident

Feb 22, 2012
Today nineteen students and alumni filed a federal lawsuit against UC Davis over the University’s treatment of protesters during a Nov. 18 demonstration in which campus police were caught on video dousing seated protesters with pepper spray. The lawsuit seeks to determine why the University violated the demonstrators’ state and federal constitutional rights and seeks to result in better policies t... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

White House, FTC, and California Attorney General Step Up to the Starting Line

Feb 23, 2012
In the past week, the White House, the Federal Trade Commission, and the California Attorney General's Office have all released reports or announced agreements designed to promote consumer privacy. These announcements incorporate several good ideas that, if implemented and enforced, would give users more control over their own personal information. But the recent moves are just a starting point fo... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Time to Get Down to Business on Privacy

Feb 23, 2012
By Chris CalabreseACLU Washington Legislative OfficeToday, the White House released a new policy paper on consumer privacy which may mark an important turning point in the effort to return control over how our online information is handled.The report contains two main elements. The first is a detailed description about what the administration believes are the core principles that should under... Read More