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ACLU of Northern CA

Coming Out As a Dreamer

Jun 19, 2012
Daniel Galindo reflects on the similarities between DREAM Act youth and the LGBT community – especially where "coming out" is concerned.As we prepare to celebrate Pride by marching in the SF Pride Parade as this year's Community Organization Grand Marshal, I'm reminded of what it means to be able to walk down a public street with thousands of people watching me strut my stuff, free of shame or jud... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Making Your Privacy Vote Count on Facebook

Jun 20, 2012
As Facebook has grown from a dorm room project to a publicly-traded company, its users have repeatedly challenged the service on privacy issues, drawing attention from the media and governments as a result. And while Facebook is often perceived as acting like some constitution-less nation doing whatever it wants without regard to user concerns, its very existence as a social networking site depend... Read More
default statue of liberty torch

Meet the Man Who Kept the Rainbow Flag Free

Jun 21, 2012
The fight for LGBT equality in the Bay Area has faced plenty of challenges. Meet Matt Coles, who has been fighting for them from the beginning. The rainbow flag is known all over the world as a symbol of LGBT rights and acceptance. Here in San Francisco, a huge rainbow flag waves over the Castro District. But that flag came close to being a trademarked symbol that could have kept it from public... Read More

West Contra Costa Unified School District Sued for Substandard Conditions at Richmond School

Jul 02, 2012
Citing badly deteriorated conditions at the West Contra Costa school district's Community Day School Program, the ACLU of Northern California and the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights today filed suit on behalf of two concerned taxpayers against the school district. The lawsuit seeks to compel the district to relocate its Community Day School Program (CDSP) and to provide adequate staffing, inst... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Foursquare's New App Needs New Privacy Controls

Jul 02, 2012
In early June, the popular location based service foursquare overhauled its mobile app. As a result of these changes, users can now see all of their friends' check-ins from the last two weeks. Many users may not understand how much of their location history is visible to their friends, and even those users aware of the details have no practical way to opt out. And while forcing users to share that... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Jury Still Out on Realignment's Goal of Recidivism Reduction

Jul 02, 2012
This month, California quietly shed an unwanted title, going from the largest prison system in the country to the second-largest after the state of Texas.The change comes amid a significant drop in the number of prisoners held in state facilities nine months into California's realignment plan, which aims to transfer low-level inmates to county jails and rehabilitation programs. The state's prison ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Education or Incarceration?

Jul 05, 2012
California’s budget negotiations are an exercise in high stakes tradeoffs. And as legislators accept deep cuts to education and the safety net, the ACLU is challenging Californians to acquire a real-time sense of how the state’s bottom line would fare if prisons and jails were placed at the center of the chopping block. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

California is NOT Arizona

Jul 06, 2012
Yesterday afternoon, the California State Senate approved the TRUST Act (AB 1081-Ammiano) with a vote of 21-13. Assemblymember Tom Ammiano is the bill's author; Sen. Kevin de León served as floor manager for the vote and presented the bill to the Senate. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Carriers Face Increasing Demands for Information - California Can Lead the Way in Protecting Privacy

Jul 09, 2012
This morning's New York Times features a front-page story about an "uptick" in demands for information from cell carriers by law enforcement. As the ACLU's Chris Calabrese writes, the numbers are staggering: 1.3 million requests for information, possibly many times that many users affected, hundreds of full-time employees whose sole job is to process incoming demands, and reports that these demand... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Stop and Frisk in San Francisco: Another Name for Racial Profiling

Jul 10, 2012
Mayor Ed Lee shocked the city when he suggested bringing New York's failed stop-and-frisk policy to San Francisco. The ACLU of Northern California sent a letter to Mayor Lee yesterday explaining why it's such a bad policy.We're not sure what Mayor Lee was thinking, but stop-and-frisk is a bad idea all around. Not only is it a civil liberties nightmare and toxic for police-community relations, it r... Read More