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High Court Makes Access to Ballot Box Even Harder for People of Color

Jun 25, 2013
In a disappointing 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court today struck down Section 4, a critical provision of the Voting Rights Act that had protected the right to vote for people of color and language minorities since 1965.The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is one of our nation's most critical federal civil rights statutes. It ensures state and local governments don't pass laws or policies that deny Amer... Read More

Freedom to Marry is Back! All Your Questions Answered

Jun 26, 2013
Marriage for same-sex couples is returning to California. Nearly five years after California voters, through Prop. 8, stripped same-sex couples of their freedom to marry, today the U.S. Supreme Court has restored that very same freedom. In Hollingsworth v. Perry, the Court ruled that opponents of same-sex marriage lacked standing to appeal a decision that struck down Prop. 8. Meanwhile, in the ACL... Read More

Marriage, California and You

Jun 26, 2013
As everyone has now heard, the U.S. Supreme Court issued two historic decisions today for LGBT Equality – striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional and returning marriage to California, by dismissing the appeal in the Hollingsworth v. Perry (Prop 8) case for lack of standing. What does this mean? Essentially what we've been saying all along – that the folks who o... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

PRISM: Bringing The Need for Better Transparency and Privacy Into Focus

Jul 02, 2013
A small silver lining to the PRISM scandal is that it has created the impetus for several large technology companies to finally start giving the public a glimpse into how the government is regularly dipping into their treasure trove of personal information. You may want to check out our handy new chart for a quick rundown of what's been said and done by which companies- from statements, to transpa... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

California Senate Passes Bill Supporting Transgender Student Success

Jul 03, 2013
The California State Senate Wednesday passed the School Success and Opportunity Act (Assembly Bill 1266), sending the bill that ensures transgender students have the opportunity to succeed in school to Gov. Jerry Brown for his signature. Authored by Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), the bill passed the Senate with a 21-9 vote (unofficial). The bill passed the California State Assembly ... Read More
Occupy Oakland protesters

Tentative Settlement Reached with Oakland in ACLU, National Lawyers Guild Lawsuit Against Oakland Police Department for Use of Excessive Force

Jul 03, 2013
Oakland city officials yesterday announced that the City Council had taken initial steps toward approving a settlement of a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California and the National Lawyers Guild against the City of Oakland and the Oakland Police Department (OPD) for use of excessive force against Occupy Oakland Protestors in October and November 2011. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

"Reclaim Your Name": FTC Commissioner Joins Call for Data Broker Transparency

Jul 03, 2013
You may not be familiar with companies like Datalogix or Acxiom, but you can bet they're familiar with you. These companies and other "data brokers" operate behind the scenes, collecting and selling information about almost every American household including employment history, recent purchases, and more. But while these companies are happy to sell and share your personal information with other co... Read More

State AGs Tell Google: More Transparency, More Control

Jul 03, 2013
Earlier today, state law enforcement officials sent a letter to Google re-emphasizing the importance of transparency and user control. We're glad to see more voices joining the call. The letter expresses concern about Google's 2012 decision to merge data from all of its services into a single collection. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Kilowatts, not Kilowarrants: Government Can Obtain Smart Meter Data with Subpoenas Alone

Jul 03, 2013
Late last month, the ACLU of Northern California broke the news that California utilities were turning over the smart meter data of large numbers of customers to third parties—with San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) alone handing over the records of 4,062 customers in a single year. Based on SDG&E's responses to follow-up questions from the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC), we have ... Read More
Occupy Oakland protest

Federal Court Orders FBI to Reveal More About Occupy Oakland Surveillance

Jul 03, 2013
This week, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California issued a terrific decision in our lawsuit against the FBI for records about surveillance of the Occupy movement. We hope that this decision will lead to the shining of some much-needed light on the FBI and its surveillance of political protest movements. Read More