2024 Voter Guide
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and the stakes could not be higher.
Voting is a fundamental right and a cornerstone of American government. Our democracy only works when all voices are represented.
If you're eligible to vote, be an ACLU voter. Vote all the way down the ballot for statewide elected officials and propositions, as well as local officials and measures. Support new laws that will promote and strengthen our rights. Reject those that will turn back the clock.
Statewide Ballot Measure Endorsements:
Local Ballot Measure Endorsements:
Important Voting Resources:
Register to vote:
In California, you can now register to vote or change your registration at any time, including on Election Day. Register now.
Make your voice count:
Make a plan and vote early! Return your ballot by November 5th! Find your polling place.
Track your ballot:
Get updates to learn when your ballot has been mailed, received, and counted. Now available for all voters in California. Track Your Ballot.